The Bait

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~~Evelyn Dayne~~

Flying has yet to get old. The freedom that the soaring through the endless sky will never be old.

While Edric and the others have made it past The Hook, my plan is to draw Euron Greyjoy's Iron Fleet out of Blackwater Bay and to give chase to us.

He's been building a massive fleet for months. But ships are made from wood. And wood just so happens to be a very flammable material. Now, it would be difficult to set fire to all of his fleet if it weren't for the fact that I am currently riding a dragon.

This war will be different. A war will one or two kingdoms will be affected. This war will forever shape the future of the entire continent.

Continuing to fly east, the "great" city of King's Landing shows itself on the horizon along with mainland Westeros. Despite never being to King's Landing and barely being in the Crownlands, it's still almost like a homecoming.

The city of King's Landing where Aegon first landed with his sisters nearly three hundred years ago. The Red Keep which his son with Visenya, built. Where the Throne of a Thousand Blades is kept. It's all right there.

In a little red castle.

Comparing the size of the Red Keep and structures like the Great Pyramid in Meereen they're both similar in size. But something about the Red Keep draws power.

Power draws in the worst types of people and corrupts the best.

Looking down from above the clouds, I peer into Blackwater Bay, seeing a little over a thousand ships all lined up and waiting.

It's conveniently a cloudy day.

"You ready?"

I shout over the howling wind to Rhaegal and he huffs, roaring a powerful roar and I hang on with all my might as Rhaegal swoops downwards faster than a volley of arrows.

The fleet gets closer and closer as I fly overhead, catching their attention. I smirk slightly as I see men scramble on the ships desperately.


Dragonfire spews on the decks of several ships as I direct Rhaegal along the entire fleet, burning out hundreds of men as ships crack and scream of flames, sinking to the bottom of the Blackwater.

When Tyrion had said he lit the Blackwater with Wildfire during the defense of King's Landing, it dulls in comparison to the fire spewing all over it now. The very water itself burns.

Thousands of men burn alive in the waters.

Deciding it's enough to draw them away, I fly Rhaegal South towards the Storm Lands where we'll meet up with a small force of ships in Shipbreaker's Bay.

That's where the Iron Fleet will end.


Like I said last chapter, this one would probably be short and it is. Next chapter, their will be the first official battle in the war of Daenerys' Conquest.

So yeah, Evelyn is basically the commander of the entire army and will continue to be as such for the entire War.

I hope you all enjoy!!!

Thank you so much for reading!!!

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