"It Only Gets Worse Before It Gets Better"

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~~Daenerys Targaryen~~

I stare out at nothing whilst thinking of everything. Everything that has gone wrong. I felt like we were on top of the world, that when the Night King came with his army, he'd be demolished.

But everything's gone wrong. I feel like we're starting to lose.

Evelyn sits away from me on the other side of our room, staring ahead blankly as the fire in the hearth crackles quietly. It's been only a few hours since we've gotten back and we haven't said a word to each other about what happened.

I hold the furs around me tighter, snuggling against the warm sheets of our bed as the frigid cold bites at my face.

That night still swirls in my head. Less than two days ago, the winter storm that swept in out of nowhere and knocked me off from Drogon's back. I plummeted into that deep snow, feeling weak and broken, begging for Evelyn to save me. And by some miracle, she did. She swooped down on Rhaegal, holding me in her arms, shielding me from the winter winds.

And that song...

Evelyn sang to me through frozen breathes, almost in a whisper but I could hear it over the howling winter wind. She was my beacon through that terrible night. Her soft words got me through that night. She got me to the dawn.

That sunrise inspired hope in me and her. The light of a new day casted over us, making us feel warmth in such terribly cold conditions. I thought we would be okay. And when Drogon and...Viserion appeared in the sky... I thought we'd be okay.

"I allowed myself to hope too soon..."

I whisper quietly as I stare at the ceiling above our bed.

"If..if I hadn't let my guard down.."

"If you keep thinking that way, you'll never be able to get that monkey off of your back."

I turn to her, seeing her stare into the flames in the hearth as she bites of her hand, holding back tears as I do the same.

"Our baby boy was so close to us, Evie, and he just-"

"Forget about yesterday's fight. Think about todays."

She cuts me off and I stare for a moment, really wondering if she said that. I see regret wash over her face as I immediately rise up, eyes flared angrily at her.

"Don't give me that shit!"


I throw the furs off of me, storming over to where she's sitting.

"Don't try to put up an emotionless front, Evelyn! Don't you fucking do that! Don't you dare try lecturing me about forgetting about your emotions when almost every other week I'm picking you up because you're such an emotional wreck! It's bullshit!"

I scream out angrily as her eyes widen with fury as she shoots out of her seat.

"How else am I to deal with it!? How else am I supposed to stay sane when all I see are the ones that are fucking dead!?"

She screams in questioning and anger as she gets right up in my face. Her face turns red with anger, almost literal steam coming out of her ears as I hold her glare with equal intensity.

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