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Zak is watching the boys while Rachel and Chris go to a premiere. "Thanks for doing this Zak" Rachel remarked. "No problem I love having the boys over". Chris and the boys came in with sleeping bags. "Uncle Zak are we really sleeping in a tent outside?"Patrick inquired. "Look outside I already put it up". The kids looked outside and saw the tent than Gracie came out. "Pup tent"Matthew replied which made everyone chuckle. "Why don't you go outside and set up your sleeping bags in the tent"Zak stated and the boys ran out to the yard. "That's good thinking Zak"Chris remarked. "Where's Johnny?". "Shaunyl is back and wanted to spend the day with him" Chris said.

"You alright Chris?" Zak inquired. "I'm going to say good-bye to the boys" and went outside. "Shaunyl wants custody of Johnny so her and Chris are in a custody fight" Rachel explained. "Well, if you need character witnesses me and the guys will testify to his nature" Zak remarked. "I'll keep you to that come on Chris" and the parents left. The boys were having fun even roasting marshmallows and Zak telling them scary stories than his phone rang as the boys washed up. "Hello". "Is this Zak Bagans?"a person inquired. "Yes, how can I help you?". "We have a boy in our ER he gave us this number"the nurse said. "Is his name Johnny?" Zak inquired. "Yes, his mother left him here. Do you know how we can get a hold of his father?". "They're out for the night listen I'll be right down" and hung up.

After that Zak called Billy. "Hey Billy, can you come over to my house I have an emergency that I can't bring the boys to". "Sure" and hung up. The boys came out of the bathroom to see Billy as Zak put on a coat. "Uncle Zak where are you going?" Patrick asked. "I have an emergency to take care of, so Uncle Billy is going to stay with you untill I get back". When Zak got to the hospital, he saw Johnny laying in a hospital bed. "Hey buddy" Zak said. The doctor came over. "You must be Zak" shaking his hand. "Uncle" Johnny replied. "By marriage what's wrong with him". "Well, he has a fever of a hundred three, anemic, and dehydrated". "Doctor he's on his second bout of Leukemia" Zak told the doctor. "Thank you I'll see if I can find out his oncologist". "And I'll to get a hold of his father" Zak replied and went outside to call Aaron. "Hello" he said.

"Aaron, do me a favor go the Hard Rock Hotel Rachel and Chris are there for his premiere show. I need you to bring them to Saint Luke Hospital Johnny's here". "All right" and hung up. At the theater everyone was praising Chris for his show. "Chris that was great". "Can't wait to show the boys" Chris replied. Then Rachel saw Aaron walk in. "Aaron what are you doing here?" as Chris and Rachel walked over. "Look; Zak called me Johnny's in the hospit al"he remarked. "I'll go get change" Chris stated and ran to the back. "So, Zak is with Johnny?". "Yeah, Johnny had the hospital call him and before you ask Billy is watching Matthew and Patrick"Aaron replied.

At the hospital Zak was sitting with Johnny as he slept when his phone rang. He went outside to the hall to answer it. "Hey Rachel, he's asleep right now"Zak said. "How did he get your number?" she wonder. "Maybe one of the boys told him". "Well thank you for staying with Johnny Zak, we'll be there soon"Rachel stated and hung up as Zak went back to see Johnny was awake. "Hey what are you doing up?". "Want daddy"he stated. "He's on his way Johnny don't worry". "Are the guys upset I ruined the sleepover?" Johnny asked. "No Johnny they're not just go back to sleep" Zak stated.

A few weeks passed and Zak showed up to take the boys out. "So, what's on the menu tonight?" Rachel inquired. "Aaron gave me tickets to a hockey game so I'm bring them there before grabbing dinner". Chris came over as Rachel went to get the boys. "Zak thanks again for helping Johnny. He was probably scared all alone there" Chris remarked. "Listen Chris I love Johnny if he was my nephew by blood" Zak stated. "Well thanks again and when the judge heard what Shaunyl did I got sole custody" Chris replied with a smile. "Congrates Chris" Zak said as the boys came down.

"Are we all set?". All the boys nodded, and they all left. At the restaurant the kids were coloring as a waitress came over. "Are these your boys?" she asked Zak. "No, they're my nephews I thought I'd give their parents a night to themselves" Zak replied. "Aren't you a good uncle I'll go see if your order is up" and she left. "Uncle Zak why did you lie to that waitress?" Patrick asked. "Lyin' bad" Matthew stated. "I didn't lie I care for all of you including Johnny even thou your mother isn't his. I consider him apart of The Bagan's crew" Zak explained. Johnny went over to Zak and hugged him. "You consider me a part of your family"Johnny said. "Yes, Johnny I do" hugging him back.

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