C ·looser·

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-all this is Y/N pov-

-sunday afternoon-

"I WON" I say as I get the last point. Matt and I had been competing in tennis for about 10 minutes and the game was really tight. First to 5 and it was 4 to 4.

"Ugh" Matt says as he walks off the tennis court.

"I'll beat you any day babe." Chris says.

"You too Matt and Madi" Chris says pointing at them.

"Never. Y/N and I will beat you" Madi says. 

"Your not even good Chris" Nick says.

"Shutup Nick Ill beat you too"

"Oh yeah?" I ask him with an attitude

"Yeah. Let's battle for the video next Tuesday so it'll be up Wednesday." He suggests.

"Ok get ready to lose" I say. 

"He's going too" Matt says.


"Rock paper sicorrs to see who gets the last twisler" Chris says.

"Ok" I say.

"Rock paper sicors shoot" Chris says putting out rock as I pull out siccor.

"Ugh fine take it" I tell Chris.

"I beat you in this ill beat you in tenis" Chris says smirking.

"Yeah right keep dreaming" I say laughing sarcastically.

-next tuesday night-

"Time to film" Nick says heading down the stairs.

"Im tiredddd" Chris says holding the d.

"You dont wanna loose do you?" Matt asks.

"I do im just unmotivated" He says.

"Lets go Chris we need to film" I say pulling him up the couch.

"Fine" He says as he comes out of the front door with me before hopping into the van.

"Hes gona loose" Madi says as her and I laugh.

"This is gonna be so boring" Chris says before yawning.

"Ok let me make you a deal ok?" I say to Chris.

"Fine" Chris says.

"Let's play 3 matches and if u win, we can go to bed but if I win you guys have to do whatever me and madi want for the entire day tomorrow." I say as they all agree.

"Sounds good to me" Matt says.

"Ill sit on the sideline" Nick sys making us laugh.

We arrive at the tennis court and we begin playing. Chris was so sloppy. He was ass.

"3 serving 0" I say smiling at Chris who looks asleep. He misses the ball again and sighs.

"4 to 0" I say hitting the ball. He misses. Once again.

"Last point" I say serving the tennis ball. Chris misses and lets out a 'huff'as Madi and I start jumping in joy.

"YAYAYAYA" We yell jumping.

"Lets go home" Chris says as we all hope in the van. As we get home, Chris uses all  the energy he has left to run upstairs to our room and flop on the bed. By the time I get there, he was already asleep. What a looser. A cute looser.

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