SLS ·tipsy·

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does anyone know where to find the sky teller story please comment the user of the writer I wanna read it.


"Just take one" This drunk girl told me.

"No I'm not even old enough to drink, and I wouldn't if I was" I told her.

"Please just one I'll leave you alone" She said as I looked at the alcohol that was sitting in the small glass.

"Fine" I said as I took the drink from her hand. As I hesitated, I lifted the drink up to my face and drank it quickly It was gross.

"Ugh, you don't have a better flavor?" I said as I had a sour face on.

"Try washing it down with this" She said as she handed me a drink that looked like apple juice. I took a sip and it was worst than the first one but I still drank it.

"What is this?" I asked the girl as she pulled me to a table that had red cups on them, with what seemed, water inside.

"Throw this ping pong ball into that cup" She told me.

"Ok?" I said as I took the ball and threw it into the cup. When it went in everybody cheered.

"CHUG CHUG CHUG" The crowd yelled as the girl handed me the cup. I drank it and again, it was disgusting.

"OK do it again" She told me as I followed her orders. A couple of drinks later, I slowly began to feel dizzy I was laughing at everything.

"I probably need to get home" I told this random dude.

"I'll give you a ride, your a little tipsy, a lot" he said as he led me to his car.

"Where do you live?" He said as he handed me his phone to enter my address.

"I think it's this ill just show you which one is my house" I said as I laughed and he started driving.

-3rd person pov-

SLS/N was out at a party, and her brothers were worried about her. She never went to parties. Ever.

They were waiting for her to come home, and they'd been doing it for 2 hours. It was one in the morning. She never stayed up this late.

"Let's try calling her again" Nick told his worried brothers. They called her again, but no response.

"She's never going to a party without us ever again" Chris said as he stressed.

"What if she's in danger let's just go find her" Matt suggested. Right after he spoke, he heard a banging on the door.

"Probably her" Chris said as they ran to the door. He looked thru the whole and it was her with some dude. 

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?" Chris asked as he looked at his 18-year-old little sister.

"You guys her brothers?" The man that was with SLS/N asked.

"Yeah, who are you?" Matt asked the teenage boy.

"I don't really know her but she's drunk and I didn't want her to drive so I drove her, her cars still at the party" The boy told them.

"Thanks, man" Matt told him.

"Do you find her attractive?" Nick asked the boy.

"Nick" SLS/N said as she laughed barely able to stand up.

"Yeah, I would say that" The boy said.

"Get her number, you seem like a nice guy" Nick said.

"Thanks," He said as he handed Nick his phone.

"Ok SLS/N let's get you hydrated" Matt said as he brought her to the counter.

"Have a goodnight" Nick told the boy before closing the door.

"Drink this" Matt told SLS/N as he gave her water.

"I'm fine" She said as she pushed him off.

"SLS/N your gonna drink this now hurry up before you start throwing up" Matt said before it was too late. 

"Fuck" He mumbled as they brought her to the bathroom. They held her hair as she threw up in the toilet bowl.

"You are grounded" Chris said as he looked away.

"Your not my father" She said before beginning to puke again.

"Well, your lucky I'm not going to tell father" Chris said.

"Are you done? Nick asked her.

"Yeah I think" She said as she got up.

"Ok change and then we'll get you to bed" Matt said as they brought her to her room. They put comfy clothes on her bed and headed out so she could change. 

They waited till she did as they came back into her room.

"Lay down" They told her as she layed down on her bed. They put the blanket over her and garbage beside her bed just in case.

"SLS/N we don't want you drinking again" matt told her.

"Who even made you do it?" Nick asked her.

"This girl, she kept telling me too" SLS/N said with guilt. She knew her brothers were disappointed.

"Just because someone wants you to do something you aren't supposed to, doesn't mean you have to do it SLS/N we've talked about this" Chris told her.

"I know I know" She said as she yawned.

"Please don't tell mom, I won't do it again, I promise," She said as her brothers looked at each other.

"You promise?" Matt asked her.

"I promise, to all of you" She said. They got up and hugged her as they headed out of her room.

-request open-

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