Befana: Part 4

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"I...I did lie, I'm sorry. Your granddaughter is here," Chat admits. "Never too late to tell the truth right?" "I don't believe you." "I'll take you to her myself," Chat starts to lead her to where we last saw Marinette, and the faires were instructed to keep an eye on LB and me. Once out of sight we spring into action and gang up on the faires. I use my ice storm to trap them in a block of ice in the elevator which we send down to gain Befana's attention.

Once done we check on Chat to see Befana had left him alone. "Don't worry Chat Noir, Marinette's safe," Ladybug reassures him and tells us her plan. Landing on the sidewalk, Ladybug uses her yoyo to grab the tuba, instructing Chat to hit the fire hydrant. "My pleasure. CATACLYSM!" Water springs up and LB puts the tuba over the shooting water which then shoots at Befana who defensively shoots at the water turning the water, tuba, and herself into coal.

"No more evil-doing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" As usual, everything is fixed and we pound it. Quickly I head back to the party and after making sure everyone else was ok, the party went back into full swing and Gina learned what was really going on. "My sweetie, what did you do with that t-shirt?" She asks when she noticed Mari's new purse had the owl design on it from the t-shirt with matching poof balls underneath.

"I fixed it up, Grandma. I've been sewing ever since the last time you came to visit." "You're so grown up now Marinette. You know what? No more merry-go-rounds or zoos. For your next birthday, I'll take you on one of my trips," I watch the two discuss when Luka walks up to me and whispers "Finally got word on the cake," I laugh as I turn around to see Tom and Sabine walking over with the cake so we start singing the happy birthday song while Kim and Ivan lifted up Marinette to blow out the candles.

As the cake was being passed out Marinette turned to me and a smirk creeps up as she points at me "I told you they were throwing a surprise birthday party, you can't play dumb with me," I give her a teasing grin as I say "I don't know what you're talking about I had no idea they were doing this," She groans at me as she playfully shouts "Stop it!"

That's when Adrien approached and offered his gift. "You didn't have a chance to open it with all that was going on," Marinette opens the small box to reveal it was a lucky charm with blue and yellow charms on a red rope. He pulls out the pink, blue, and pink charm she gave him out of his pocket stating "I always carry the lucky charm you gave me wherever I go and I think it works pretty well. So I figured it was my turn to make one for you." "You're so wonderful- I-it's wonderful. Thank you," She stutters out Music starts to play and Luka drags me onto the 'dance floor'. "You just love to sweep me off my feet don't you?" I joke and he smirks. "Of course, I'll take up any chance that brings me one step closer to being able to call you mine."

My face goes red and I push away his face with my hand as I scoff "You are such a flirt!" He bursts out laughing and so do I. Later that night, Mari was ranting to me, Flaake, and Tikki about Adrien's gift. "Do you realize? He made it especially for me with his own hands," She sighs out happily. "Yeah well, it's kind of a weird gift if you ask me," Tikki remarks, still a little miffed about Mari's reaction to her gift. "No weirder than your's Tikki. But that doesn't mean they're both not precious to me. The most important thing about a present is the person who's giving it," Mari says, showing off the necklace she made from Tikki's gift.

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