JunHao -> Stress

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The performance team is sitting quietly in the practice room, thinking about what choreography they could come up with for their next comeback. Surprisingly, they can't think of anything, and this irritates the oldest member of the group, who writes things down but ends up crossing them out because they're not right.

" It's fucking pissing me off, we haven't come up with anything in two hours, we're stuck on this shit." Says Jun

" Hey, Junnie it doesn't matter, getting upset isn't going to get things done " Says Minghao, trying to calm Jun down.

Except that this doesn't work at all, it even makes Jun worse, the boy prefers to leave, Minghao sighs he knows exactly where his eldest is going and what he's going to do and his role as boyfriend must absolutely prevent him from doing this kind of nonsense.

So he gets up, telling Chan and Soonyoung that they need a little time alone and that they'll be back when it's better, and the other two dancers nod as Minghao leaves the room.

The young man went straight to the bathroom to get some medical supplies for Jun, and also took a bottle of water from the kitchen before joining his lover, who must be in their bedroom. Not surprisingly, there he is, sitting on the floor, he cry all the tears of his body.

" Junnie, calm down. I'm here, nothing can happen to you."

Minghao gently approaches his lover and settles down beside him, taking his eldest in his arms and tenderly stroking his back to calm his lover's stress attack.

The latter slowly calmed down, positioning his body better in the younger man's arms and continuing to cry silently. Minghao continues to say gentle words to help him calm down, and it's only ten minutes later that Jun stops crying and steps back from Minghao's arms.

Minghao smiles affectionately and gently takes his elder's bleeding arm, then picks up his medical kit and begins to treat Jun's wounds.

" Thank you for always knowing how to calm my stress attacks."

" We've been a couple for four years, I know you like the back of my hand. When your stress rises too high I know for a fact that someone's attention will calm you down."

" Even before we were a couple you were always the one and only who could soothe me like that."

" I'm glad to know that my presence still has such an effect on you."

Jun smiles softly, then delicately kisses Minghao on the lips, it's not a kiss meant to be wild or aggressive. It's more a kiss of thanks, filled with gentleness and love.

Once Jun had kissed his lips, he stepped back and told Minghao he felt ready to go back to work on their project. Minghao nodded and stood up, helping Jun to do the same.

" Did you bring me some water too ? Thank you very much. "

Minghao smiled softly as he offered the bottle to his lover, who took it and drank the liquid while following his lover out of their room.

After a few meters, the two lovers meet up with the other two dancers in the practice room, the two boys take their places on the floor again, and they also find their paper and pencil.

Jun's stress resurfaces, he starts scratching his skin again and tears of stress begin to well up in his eyes. Minghao notices this, so he takes one of Jun's hands in his own and starts stroking it gently.
Jun sighs to soothe himself and concentrates solely on Minghao's tenderness.

" Your stress mustn't get the better of you, I'm here, and always will be so it's all right."

" It pisses me off that I can't figure out what to do about this choreography."

" We'll figure it out don't worry, sometimes it can take longer than expected but that's not important. "

" Hao is right Jun hyung. The most important thing is that we get there in the end." Says Soonyoung

" We'll take as long as we need, don't panic, it'll be fine. Jun hyung you're not alone, there's four of us on it, we're going to make it." Said Chan, smiling gently.

All this soothed Jun deeply.

-> Two hours later

As the stress disappeared from the room and only good humor began to radiate into the space, all the ideas finally came naturally. It was only after another two short hours that the choreography really came together and the dancers were satisfied with it.

" Hey, kids, it's getting late. You'd better get back to bed."

" We're coming Coups hyung."

Chan is the first to get up to join Seungcheol and go to sleep with him.

Jun and Minghao follow suit and decide to join their bed as well, the two lovers settle properly into their bed and close their eyes, nevertheless a stress attack resurfaces, Minghao once again tries to calm Jun down.

" Junnie, everything's fine. Our choreography is over."

" What if we do it too hard ? What if the members don't like it ? If the members can't learn it ? What do we do ? "

" Our members will be satisfied, don't worry, they'll manage to learn it. It'll take as long as it takes, but they'll get there."

Jun calms down again, then feels Minghao kiss his forehead, then the tip of his nose, and finally his lips.
The younger man's hands come to rest on Jun's hips and he puts his hands in Minghao's hair.

This kiss is more enterprising than the one they exchanged earlier, but they prefer to leave it at that, Minghao gently backing away from her lover.

" Let's get some sleep, you've been under a lot of stress today, sleep will do you a world of good."

" Hmm, you're right, thank you so much for always knowing what to do to relieve my stress."

" That's normal Junnie ~"

Following this, the two boys settled more comfortably into bed and plunged into dreamland. Jun's stress is definitely gone.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

I wish one day someone like Minghao can come into my life for help me to stress less. :(


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