Poor in heaven/The lake club

25 3 2

Creativity:15 /15
This story is creative because it leaves you on a cliffhanger every time. So it makes you want to read and continue until you can't anymore. Stories like that are fascinating because they will bring the reader in, and the reader won't want to continue reading anything else until they figure out what the ending is in the book.

Originality: 15/15
Originality is also very much there. It's a beautiful, original story with great characters and a great story flow. It progresses at a perfect pace. But it always leaves you working more because it leaves you at what I consider a cliffhanger, which I love.
Storytelling: 25/15

You always get extra points with me when you do a prologue right. You did a prologue right. It was short and left you in suspense. It made the reader want more. That is what a prologue needs to do. It must drag you in and make you want to go to the next chapter. And that's what's yours did

Character: 15/15
The characters are outstanding. You can tell they're not super rich, but you can know they aren't poor either. I love the characters in the story. They are progressing very well. You can tell that they're obedient, but there's some reason why they are the way they are

Story Flows:10 /15
I feel like the story does need a little bit of editing. Something in Chapter 1 didn't sound right, and I forgot it. But it should have been a different word or phrase than what it was. What they used did not sound right at all. It says I wish we shouldn't have to leave. That doesn't sound right. It should be something like I wish we didn't have to leave or we could stay along the lines of not wanting to go, but the way they had it was not right. It does not flow nicely. It sounds out of place.

Cover Design:15 /15
I'm a big sucker for the cover. I think the body is lovely. It's not too flashy, but it's perfect.

Final Thoughts: 10/10
Even though it needs some editing, the story was outstanding and probably one of the stories I will add to my library just because I want to know what happens. It brought me in and made me want to read more

Chapters I read: prologue and first chapter

Total points: 105

Summary of the book:


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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