The Prep Diary: How The Prep Became So Preppy

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Creativity:10 /15
Though the creativity is there, it seems like a fascinating story. To me, I don't know. I feel like it's very choppy; it doesn't feel to me like it should be a diary. It feels more like a conversation than a diary. And that's what's getting me throwing me off. I know with a diary, there are going to be conversations in there, but I don't feel like this is a diary. I don't feel like this is a girl or whoever talking to a diary

Originality: 10/15
It's definitely original, I can honestly say that, but at the same time, it goes back to the same factor of not feeling like it's a diary-based story. It doesn't feel like it's a diary. It feels more like a girl talking to her friends and more like a story than a diary. Even though it does say dear diary in the beginning, at the end of the day, it doesn't feel like the girl is talking to a diary per se. It just feels like a typical story, like she's in school and things like that. So it throws me off guard because I'm like, if it's a story or if it's a diary, it should feel like somebody's reading a diary, and it doesn't feel like that to me.

Storytelling: 5/15
I feel like the storytelling could be a little cleaner, too. Me, it just feels like it's all over the place like it's a good start to a rough draft, but it just feels like it's not a set point of what the story wants to be about, and for me, it's once again it's not a diary it's a story. It doesn't feel like a diary to me; it feels like a story of a girl going to school and dealing with the usual teenage stuff.

Character: 5/15
Regarding character development, I'm confused with everything in the story. I don't feel like I can connect with any of the characters because I really don't know what the author's trying to do with the story. I feel like it starts off as a diary, but then it goes into something else. It's kind of confusing to me. Once again, it feels like it's more of a story and process and not like an actual story ready to be published. So, to me, it needs a lot to go with it.

Story Flows:10 /15
I'm sorry, but the story doesn't flow well. It doesn't sound good, period, and I'm not telling the author not to continue to write because I feel like they need to continue to write. Still, I feel like the story is at a place where it's just a beginner. I don't feel like this is a diary; I don't feel like this story flows very well and needs to be edited. It needs to be thought out better, like a better outline or something, because this doesn't feel like a diary. Like when writing a diary, you're writing your life story in a diary form. Someone your readers are reading it, it should feel like they're reading a diary, but this story doesn't feel like that to me. And I've read three chapters, and it doesn't feel like I'm reading a diary.

Cover Design: 0/15
I feel like there needs to be a different cover. The cover is not put together; it's not the best cover; it's not attractive; it's not going to pull your readers in; it's not going to want anybody to read your book. To me, the cover needs to pop; it needs to represent what the book is about and be like, hey, you want to read this book. And the cover they have now is definitely not what it should be.

Final Thoughts: 10/10
For me, this story has a lot that needs to be done before it's ready to be an actual story. It's still a good story, but it's something that I would not recommend to my readers or put in any of my libraries. The author needs to sit down to figure out what they want regarding the story. And maybe research diaries or how to make stories seem more diary-based than anything because when reading it, I didn't feel like I was reading a diary at all. I felt like I was following a girl around with drama. In another thing I want to recommend

Chapters I read: 3

Total points:50

Summary of the book:

~Sparkled!~Being a teenage girl is the hardest thing anyone can be. And nobody knows this more than Rosetta Hazel.Sure, Rosetta's with bffs with McKayla, Tracey and Chase, one of the popular cliques in school and how she's dating the popular guy in school, Andrew Thompson for two months, but her life is about to be turned upside down.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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