Coolest Moms

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After midnight
Taraji got in by Fantasia's backdoor. She saw the little candlelight coming from the kitchen and went there...

Fantasia was sitting in the dark shades, drinking.
"You paid the electricity bill right?" Taraji asked. Fantasia laughed. It was the drunk laughter then she turned on the light. They looked at each other
She then turned it off.

"I just prefer the dark," Fantasia said blowing the candle off.

"This is ridiculous," Taraji said turning to leave. Fantasia turned on the light. "okay, I will leave it on" She said. Taraji lit the candle and turned off the light.

"Better?" she asked. "much better," Fantasia said. Taraji sat down "You have 13 minutes to tell me everything I need to know about the case," Taraji said.
"That's not why I called you here," Fantasia said. "Why am I here?"
"I missed your touch!" Fantasia said shamelessly. "I just want you to touch me"

"How much did you drink?"

"I'm not drunk. I'm tipsy and I can hear myself. Not only can I hear myself, I actually control the words that are coming from my mouth."

"Fantasia you are facing lockup"

"so what? Is not like other than Jack everybody does care at all. Halle is not here, my sisters are not here, you are not here. So why should I care if the people I live for don't? What is the purpose of freedom if I can't love or be loved? I don't care if I go to prison Your honor, shove me in a prison cell for the rest of my life" Fantasia yelled,
Tears filled her face, which was why, she preferred talking in almost dark, she was hiding her tears from Taraji.

"Your sisters and Halle care, they are just way across the world right now, working. Saving lives and Halle got an exam and she hates me, but it doesn't mean she doesn't wanna be here, she will be here, and they will all be here eventually"

"What about you? What about you your honor? Do you care?"

"I do. You are the mother of my kids, of course, I care what happens to you. I don't wish death, deadly disease, or Prison on you Tasia, I wish you health, Happiness and wealth, and mostly love, I wish you love"

"Love?" Fantasia laughed. "stop wishing me to love my dear, I don't believe in love, I don't want it in my life, Love sucks, love stinks, love is fucked up. Love is a migraine I don't wanna feel, I hate it. I hate love I hate it, I hate it. I hate it so much, I hate--- I just hate everything" Fantasia cried.
"You can't hate Everything. Surely there is one thing in this world except your kids that you still love"

"Yes, You!" Fantasia said. "I still love you, even though you crush my heart like mashed potatoes, I still find it dreadful that I love you," Fantasia said between her sobs. "Taraji I love you!" she added.
Taraji swallowed hard and rose from her chair. She went to the big refrigerator and opened it. The light illuminated Fantasia, she hid her face from the light.
"Have you eaten?"
Fantasia stood up.."This is Pointless, thanks for coming" Fantasia said walking out. "Why is it pointless?"

"I just opened my heart to you and all you got for me is 'have you eaten?' are you fucking kidding me right now?"
"I-- I don't know what to say to that"
Fantasia scoffed
"wow, you really fell out of love with me, then why are you here? Women don't sneak in by the back door to risk their jobs for somebody they don't love. So since you really don't love me why are you here?"
"For my kids, my kids love you, that's the only reason I'm here." Fantasia slapped her. It was a hot slap, birds would fly.

Taraji gasped rubbing her cheek. "Oh baby I'm so sorry... I-- I" Taraji devoured her lips with hers. They kissed.
It was a long, hungry, nasty but passionate kiss. Fantasia moaned a little.
They pulled from each other. Fantasia blushed. Taraji rubbed her cheek again. "ou!" She finally muttered. "I'm sorry baby!" Fantasia said. Taraji looked into her eyes and kissed her again.

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