Out Of Love

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Last night in Jamaica.

The family was having a picnic dinner by the beach. Candle lights and everything. Taraji was sitting next to Jane the nanny, the girl twin on her lap. Fantasia sitting next to Gabi, the boy twin on her lap. The rest were coupled up. Jack with his girl and Rome, Halle with Paris, Gina and Lisa also Josh was on Gina's lap.

Everybody enjoyed what they ordered. Enjoying the fireworks and candlelights. "This must be the happiest place on earth. We must come back here for our honeymoon baby" Paris said. Fantasia coughed her food out.

Taraji's jaw dropped. "ou haha! I've been waiting for this." Jack said laughing hard.

"excuse me! Honey, what?" Fantasia asked. "Nothing!" Halle said. "nothing? Do you think we are that much of ignorant to notice the shiny diamond on your finger Hal? You two are engaged?" Taraji asked.

"Mom is not a big deal you know. I'm 23" Halle said. "you don't think I know how the fuck old you are? I gave you life, I think I know when the fuck I did that."

"Baby language please!" Fantasia snapped. Taraji swallowed hard. "I'm sorry. Fff-- I'm so sorry everyone. Halle has something to tell the family. Please do tell" Taraji said.

"yes Mom, we are engaged. And we set our wedding for next fall"
Taraji gasped tossing her fock in a tray. "I lost my appetite" she muttered. "Come on Mom, how old were you when you had Josh, what about when you had me, you risked your life for a future that wasn't promised to you and took a gamble for love and now look at you, you are in another country in an island with your 5 kids, 5. And the love of your life. It worked out great for you. I want that with Paris, the gamble, the risk, everything for love. Please, Mom, I need your blessings" Halle said.
"Baby life isn't that predictable. What works for your mother or me, may not work out for you or Paris" Fantasia interjected. "plus who the hell said this is working out for me!" Taraji muttered.

It became quiet.
"Hey Snuggle piece, lay down with Aunt Gabi for a while, mommy needs to get out of here," Fantasia said to her baby boy. He woke up and sat on Gabi's lap. Fantasia stormed away.
Taraji rolled her eyes. She didn't go after her. "This is not what you want your life to become Hal, it is not cute, im not happy about anything anymore. So make good choices for yourself, loving someone so much your breath comes out, doesn't mean they are the one for you. It means they are the ones to have kids with yes, but not to marry" Taraji said making everybody mute.

They all kept quiet after that. Except for one tiny human. "so, you don't love Mummy?" The twin asked.
"I love mummy!" Taraji said. "You regret marrying her?" Rome asked. The kids were now ganging up against her. "Rome that's not what I said"

"Then what are you saying, Mom?" Jack asked.
"I'm asking my daughter to rethink marriage, that's all," Taraji said. 

"Seemed to me, and to everybody that you regret marrying Mom," Halle said. "maybe I do, it was not like Christmas morning there for me. Maybe I do" Taraji said placing her baby girl on Jane and walking away from the other way.

"I bet you don't wanna get married after that," Paris said to Halle.

"I don't care about their drama, I'm not my mother, and we are not them, we will be happily married. I'm still gonna marry you, with or without their blessing." Halle said.
They went back to the Yacht. The kids went to sleep.
Halle and Paris took a walk, holding hands. Gina went to find her sister.
Instead, she saw Taraji at the open bar. She thought about talking to her but remembered her dream and walked passed her like she didn't see her.

She found Fantasia in a boat. A big boat. It was the boat they had stolen the previous day.
Gina got in. "You know how to sail a boat?" Gina asked. "You do know daddy owns two boats right?"
"I know he owns one boat!"
"is two. He taught Gabi and me how to sail, she's horrible though, she was never interested"

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