Problems In bed

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A few days Later...

It was Sunday. Fantasia, Taraji, and their grandkids, the Twins, and Kimberly were playing with water, and sprinklers on the back lawn. Water guns and bubble guns.

It was all joy, all love, genuine laughter.

Gabi was watching them through the big window.  Smiling. Chloe joined her.

"wanna join them?" Chloe asked. "oh my God, you are--"
"Chloe! yes. Nice meeting you, you must be one of the Brilliant Anties Halle can't stop blabbing about"

"Gabriel. They all call me Gabi" They shook hands, and Chloe touched Gabi's ring. Gabi blushed. "Who's the lucky guy...girl?"

"Guy, some half Italian, half French, American guy. I'm the lucky one"

"I'm pretty sure he's the lucky one. Well, stay here, watch me dive in that water party" Chloe said and jogged outside. She joined the party. They immediately got her wet. She laughed hard. Gabriel smiled watching.

After playing they all got muddy, and they went to wash off before Sunday brunch.

They got back to the table joining Jack, Josh, Lana, Halle, Paris who just got here, Gabi, and Gina. Chloe and Gabi kept looking at each other blushing. So did Fantasia and her wife. Halle and her wife were roasting everybody on the table making them laugh hard.

It was such a blessed Sunday.

After eating. Fantasia picked her wife up. "Wanna go on a drive, with me?"

"I'm in your arms, how can I say no" They walked to the car, and the twins followed them. Then Josh, their grandkids, and Kimberly who was starting to love them a lot.
"There goes our lovemaking" Fantasia complained.

Gabi was helping the helpers clear the table. Chloe accidentally grabbed her hand. They looked into each other's eyes. "that's my hand!" Gabi said. "No doubt, it is so soft," Chloe said. Gabi's heart was pounding. Chloe let her go and joined Halle and Paris on their plans. "can I join you?"

"We are going to a hotel to have sex!" Paris said "Rub it in. So I'm on my own then."

"Sorry!" Halle said
Jack and Lana were doing cake testing in the big kitchen. "I will just go stuff my face. Like I haven't had enough sweet and cream for the day" Chloe complained walking to the kitchen. Gina was making plans on her sister, Gabi's phone. To meet her new sex buddy. She hasn't taken her phone back from Taraji.

Everybody left the room. Gabi was alone. She walked to the back to Taraji and Fantasia's spot and sat on their swing. Called her husband.

Chloe came outside after the smell of cake made her feel like puking she ate too much. Jack and Lana left some room cause they knew they were gonna do this.

She sat next to Gabi. Waited for her to end her call. "You must have the perfect marriage," Chloe said. "yeah I do. Perfect is boring by the way. What's not boring is toxic like what My sister has with her Wife, they are so imperfect it is beautiful, I wish they knew what they had"

"Yeah but not everybody can do toxic. Some people need healthy, healthy is good as well" Chloe said.

"I don't have either, I just have... Boring"

"I'm sorry"

"I am too" Gabi said. "So, I hear you are Taraji's niece. What is it like?"

"Great. It's weird when she acts like she's my mom, cause she does look like her. So I try not to act like her daughter, cause I'm not"

"Awe, that's complicated. But I know Taraji. She will never mind if you get too close. She has too much love to give. She will give you some of it"

"Really, it won't feel weird?"

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