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After the long night that Fantasia had, she went back home, put her kids to sleep, took a long shower, and went to bed.

The following night.

Fantasia was disappointed that her mysterious woman didn't show up.
After the meeting. "Hey, I just wanted to check if you checked on the new member. Make sure she's not home drinking" Fantasia said to her sponsor. "she called me, she is working the night shift tonight. Don't worry, I don't think she's drinking."
Fantasia nodded. She was sad,
Worse she was wondering if her sponsor was even aware she was talking to two people.
On a drive home, she realized she was really lonely, the reason she wanted to see the woman so bad was because she was lonely, She was desperate to have somebody in her bed. Somebody to cuddle with, someone to talk to. Just somebody to be there.

She texted Queen.
*I'm really lonely.*

Taraji received the text on her phone. She cloned her phone a few days ago. All it took was a touch on the shoulder and boom, cloned.
She felt so sad knowing her wife was so lonely.
She read their back-and-forth texting, it just made her feel worse.

Queen comforted Fantasia as always.
Fantasia texted a Question to Queen.
*Do you think, I could ever find love again?*
Queen's response was a quick *Yes definitely!*
Taraji swallowed hard reading their back and forth.

"Here is your Vanilla Latte. What are you up to?" Jenelle asked Taraji. "Personal stuff and your latte is cold," Taraji said. "Oh excuse me, Ma'am, do you see any Starbucks down here? Appreciate please, don't have any idea what I did for that coffee"

"Okay, will you warm it up for me?" Taraji asked handing it back to Jenelle.
"you are hard to please woman, how Fantasia stayed with your ass all these years is a puzzler for me"
"Uh, you know...right woman, right life, right everything, everything just fit," She said.

Another message on her Clone.
*So, what happened with the girl at the AA meeting... The one that made you feel alive and stuff, the one that makes you feel period?*
Message from Queen.

*Oh you won't believe me if I tell you but... That didn't happen. I think I imagined it, or it happened with a ghost. I think that woman was my dead wife*

Taraji gasped reading it.

*Baby you are Hallucinating for real. A ghost? Well, did you feel it or just saw it?*


*well honey, you can't feel a ghost. That was not your wife, stop torturing yourself.*

*She didn't come tonight. Why do I feel so sad?*

*it's okay to feel sad. Your mysterious woman will come to the meeting soon and you can ask her out, don't waste another meeting.*

Jenelle handed the hot coffee. "You never told me how you hurt your foot. I saw you limping, what happened?"

"kicked a rock and fell on it. No biggie. Hey tomorrow night I have other plans, can you cover my duties?"

"What are you up to Taraji?"

"I told you, personal stuff. Nothing to worry about. Please cover for me,"

"Whatever okay, if whatever you doing backfires, our agency won't be able to help you 'cause it will be a muddy mess with you. Just please be careful"

"I'm always careful," Taraji said.

Following Evening.

The mysterious woman came.
They shared. "A new member has to share tonight. Please share, don't be afraid, everybody in this room understands what you going through" The leader said.
She shook her head. "Come on, it will make you feel better," Another member said.
"Maybe let's give our new member some time. I mean she doesn't seem ready for this yet" Fantasia said.

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