Family Fued

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"good everybody is here, okay! We are all having a big slumber party, cause our lives depend on it." Fantasia began. "yay!" the twins yelled.

"Okay, we all sleep in the master bedroom. you two, Josh and mummy on the bed, Halle and Paris, on the floor, Jack, on the couch. And I will see you on the floor next to the door with my gun." she added
The big kids were not thrilled. The babies were already making popcorn.


"Gun?" The twins gasped dramatically placing hands on their chests.

"I mean my slumber party gun. It's a toy" Fantasia corrected. "Yeah, and I will have mine on the nightstand. "where do I place mine?" Jack asked. "Excuse you. You got a gun?" Taraji asked. "I was hoping you would borrow me one"

Fantasia and Taraji looked at each other. "uh, no!" they both said. The twins rushed to their rooms. "where are you going?"

"to get our guns!" they said. "of course" Fantasia muttered. "and miss Fantasia, where do I sleep?" Jane asked coming from the kitchen to make snacks.

"oh, Jane."
"you forgot Jane," Taraji said. "I forgot Jane. Uh, Jane, you bunk on my used to be a marital bed and I guess Taraji you will lay down, with me?"  Fantasia asked. They all rapidly turned to Taraji except Halle.

"What?" Taraji asked them. "don't even fuss you guys, it wouldn't be the first time they slept together since the divorce." Halle spilled. "really?" Paris asked dramatically. "oh boy! I will be upstairs if anybody needs me" Jack said, the twins and Josh followed him.

"don't touch anything!" Fantasia shouted. "well I'm gonna take a shower first," Halle said. "can I join you?" Paris asked. Fantasia and Taraji looked at each other.

"no!" Halle said without hesitation. "actually Hal, you can't be alone in there, we are at war, we stick together. I'm here with your mom, that should tell you something" Taraji said...
"cute mom. Very cute. I have siblings, I don't need her. Zoey will tag alone."

"Halle childishness baby, you bringing it into a marriage that's a bad move," Fantasia said.
"Oh, so I'm childish. I bet Mom was childish when she told you she doesn't love you anymore. Blame the victims. Like cheating is not childish"
Fantasia raised her hand to slap her. Something about Fantasia's slaps sure damn wakes up the birds, Taraji should know that which was why she caught her hand in the air. "Go take your shower baby, but do me a favor, sing loud okay, if you stop singing. I will be up there with my gun" Taraji told her. "Yes ma'am, Mom I'm sorry I just--"
"Just go!" Fantasia snapped. "Come on Paris!" Halle said. They walked out.
"I will be with the kids upstairs," Jane said walking away

"Pull yourself together. You are not a good candidate to be Judging her right now, she's gonna take shots at you cause she can't take them at her wife. Trust me I know what this is like. You get mad at the world but bottle things inside to the person who wronged you, because you can't afford to lose your cool because you still love them. So let Halle heal her way, Please" Taraji said. "what if she never heals though, I don't want my daughter to be bitter for the rest of her life--"

"like me?"
"That's not what I said."
"you implied it Fantasia. Well, you're right. I'm bitter. I'm acrimonious because the one person I never thought would cheat on me, did. So call me Bobby bitter, I live for that shit" Taraji said walking away.

Meanwhile, Halle and Paris were also at it.

Jack was arguing with the kids for breaking his phone, they were mad at Josh for breaking their brother's phone and letting them take the fall.

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