Chapter Nineteen

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Katniss POV- (A few hours later, about 7pm)

"Let's go get the baby and head to the apartment. I'm sure they're ready for us to be back." Peeta says as we walk back down the paved road together, hand in hand.

The last few hours were spent at the rock pit and then we went hiking too. I fell a few times, scraped up my hands. Peeta freaked out when it happened but I am perfectly fine. I'm just clumsy sometimes-especially out here, if you never noticed.

"You sure you're okay?"

"Peeta, last time we were out here I fell off a horse. I'm pretty sure that scraping my hands makes me perfectly okay."

He sighs deeply, even though nothing happened and Willow seems to be perfectly normal-it's still a rough subject for us both. That was scary enough and we didn't even know I was pregnant, it could've been so much worse but I'm so thankful that it wasn't.

"I wonder if our little baby was good today?" Peeta says.

I smile, "Hope so."

He laughs, "I'm sure she was just fine or else they would've called us."

"I bet she was."

I sigh and we finally make it back to his grandparents house. We go in and see everyone is already in bed except his grandma who stayed up with Willow.

I feel bad because I didn't realize that they'd usually be in bed already, even though it's 7pm and we usually stay up until 10 or later.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You should've called us." I say feeling guilty.

"Don't worry about it. I usually stay up later than those two ever do anyways. Plus, I got to spend some extra time spoiling her." His grandma smiles proudly.

I honestly missed Willow so much today while we were on our little date. I smile widely and my heart feels the kind of happy it does everytime I see her.

"Was she a handful?" He laughs a little.

"Oh, not too bad. Katniss, I'm afraid Willow here is gonna act like her Daddy did when he was little. Maybe you were the same?"

"How's that?"

"Sweet and very well-behaved."

I almost scoff when she says it, "I definitely was not that." I admit.

I was more of the stubborn, never-smiling, mischievous one.

"Well, you're like that now." Peeta winks at me and then pecks my lips.

I smile, "Hopefully she acts like Peeta all the time." I say truthfully.

The world needs more people like him, not like me.

Peeta scoffs and shakes his head at me and his grandma just chuckles softly.

"Well, we will let you get to bed and we will be in the apartment. When did she eat last?" Peeta asks, gathering her things.

"She ate about thirty minutes ago and fell asleep after that." She tells us.

"Great. Thank you so much for watching her. I think Katniss and I really needed this, so thank you." Peeta hugs her.

"No problem. You guys are welcome anytime and I'll be happy to babysit. Come by for some breakfast before you leave in the morning." His grandma says, kissing Peeta's cheek.

He nods, "Ready, Katniss?" He asks.

I nod and we go.

I lay Willow in the middle of the king sized bed and put pillows around her so she won't roll off, even though she doesn't roll around but you never know. Then Peeta and I climb up to the loft together, still able to see Willow from the top, thankfully.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 5Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora