Chapter Eighty-Nine

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Katniss POV-

"Well, they'll probably be gone for awhile if Willow has anything to do with it." His grandma says immediately.

I laugh a little, "Willow could probably be outside all day if we let her."

"That's good. Do you guys take her out much?"

"Yeah, we try to. Peeta takes her to the park a lot after school while I cook dinner or something. Before she went to school we took her all the time." I tell her.

"Oh, that's good. Kids need to be outside is my opinion. Learn about nature."

"I think so too. I love being outside." I say truthfully.

I don't get to do it too often especially now but that's okay.

She smiles, "Me too. It's just so relaxing."

I nod my head.

"So, how have things been going?" His grandma asks me.

"Good. Great, actually."

"That's wonderful. Willow is in kindergarten?"

"Yep. She is in kindergarten. My best friend is actually her teacher so this year school hasn't been too big of an issue. Next year may be a different story though." I say truthfully.

She laughs, "I remember Peeta's first day of school, we lived here but we drove over to Twelve so his grandpa and dad could take him. He refused for anyone else to take him but those two."

I laugh a little, "That's so sweet."

She tears up, "I miss his father so much." She says.

I frown and get up to go sit by her, hating to see her cry but I'm just glad Peeta isn't in here to see it.

It would break his heart too.

"He was my first born and he died too soon."

I frown, feeling tears stream down my cheeks too.

"I'd never wish that upon anyone. You never want your child to die before you."

I feel emotions rush over me and I burst into tears too.

I couldn't imagine losing Willow or Rye, it would destroy me completely.

I couldn't imagine losing Peeta, let alone our children.

But somehow I understand how she feels in a sense because I felt this way when Prim died. She may as well have been my kid. I took care of her. Fed her. Bathed her. Did anything a mother would and everything my mother wouldn't.

"The only one I don't miss is that witch of a mother he had."

I wipe my nose, "She was pretty bad." I say with a choked voice.

Thinking about her infuriates me-even to this day.

"Tell me about it. I loved my son but I don't love that he ever put my Peeta through that. He should've left her."

"But Peeta said he always helped him with her."

"Still, Katniss. The other boys were ten times worse than Peeta ever thought about being and I loved them to death but they were horrible."

I sigh, "I didn't like her either if it matters."

"No body did but one thing she did right was-"

"Gave us Peeta." I finish for her.

She smiles sadly at me, "Exactly." She says and slaps my back gently.

"I know I tell you this every time I see you but have no idea how amazing of a husband and father Peeta is." I say truthfully.

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