Taniwha!New Zealand x Reader (part 2)

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------------the next day---------

You've finish your chores for the day and go to see Kahurangi, as promised.

"Hello?" You call as you enter the cave you met him in. "Kahurangi?"

You see something move deeper in the cave. Out comes the Taniwha in his human form.

"Hello (Name)!" Says Kahurangi with a smile on his face as he approaches you. "I am so glad you came back."

You smile at him. "So what did you have in mind that we do together?"

"I thought we could take a walk and get to know each other better."


The two of you start taking a walk together through the jungle and talking. At one point, the two of you manage to get to the shore.

"We should go swimming!" Says Kahurangi excitedly.

Before you can say anything, he runs into the water, taking off most of his clothes on the way there. You just stand there and watch him as he does. Once he's about waist deep into the water, he turns to you. "Come on!" He calls as he waves at you.

You smile at his excitability, take off your shoes and walk into the water after him. You figure you can change your clothes when you get back to your village. Once you're waist deep into the water as well, he splashes you. You splash him back and the two of you start having a water fight. The two of you get deeper and deeper into the water until the water's up to your chest.

You're laughing at Kahurangi, who's being silly and doing tricks in the water. Then something big grabs you and pulls you underwater.

"(Name)?!" asks Kahurangi, who then looks into the water to see you being pulled farther into the sea. "(Name)!" He transforms into his gecko form and starts swimming as fast as he can after you.

Once the thing that has you gets to a drop off, it starts swimming deeper down. You look at what has you and see that it's a giant gecko, similar to what Kahurangi looked like when you first met him. It swims into an underwater cave system under the island that you call your home.

Kahurangi is in pursuit and refuses to let this guy get away with you. He follows as fast as he possibly can. The Taniwha that has you takes a whole bunch of twists and turns to try to shake Kahurangi off its trail. But he refuses. He starts swimming faster, fueled by the determination to get you back.

Meanwhile, your lungs are screaming for air. You can't take it anymore and you let go of your breath, your lungs immediately filling with water. You soon pass out. The Taniwha's lost Kahurangi, who's very upset right now. He might not know his way around these caves, but he knows his way around the island above ground. And he knows that Taniwha. And where he lives. But Kahurangi needs to get to the surface first, then he can get you back.

He takes one of the side tunnels and follows it until there's a point where it starts sloping up. He keeps following the tunnel until he hits the surface. He gasps for breath and sees that he's a sort of pond. He looks around the surroundings. He knows where he is. The home of the Taniwha that took you is a couple hours away.

"I am coming, (Name)," he says to himself. "Do not worry." He can only guess why the other Taniwha took you, but he has a pretty good idea of why.

I don't know if any islands in New Zealand have a cave system like that or not so just bare with me here.

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