Karzełek!Poland x Reader (part 1) & IMPORTANT MESSAGE

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Karzełek (Slavic): Little people who live in mines that protect gems, jewelry and ores. They're friendly, until you insult/offend them. When they're friendly they'll lead you to veins of ore or help you find your way out if you get lost. Similar to the dwarves in Snow White. Also called the Skarbnik.


You're lost in a cave and have no idea where you are. It looks like an abandoned mineshaft. You hear footsteps coming and hide behind a wall. You look out from the cavern wall to see a short man with long, blonde hair and green eyes.

"H-Hello?" You stutter. The small man stops and you walk out from your hiding place.

"Like, what're you doing here?" He asks you in a Polish accent.

"I'm lost. Can you help me find my way out?"

"Like, totally! Follow me." He starts to walk away and you follow him. He eventually leads you out of the tunnels.

"Thank you so much! I'm (Name), by the way."

"I'm Feliks. Here, like, take this." Feliks hands you a necklace with (e/c) jewels.

"You'll let me keep it?"

"Totally. It, like, matches your eyes perfectly." You smile and accept the necklace. You put it on and he smiles at you. "Well, like, see you later." With that, Feliks goes back into the mine.


So, next is the Baltics, but I have an important message. If anyone reading these knows anything about Estonian mythology, PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT A SHADOWLING IS!!! ALL I COULD FIND ABOUT THEM WAS FROM A VIDEO GAME AND I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN TRUST IT!!! I'LL DEDICATE THE CHAPTER TO YOU IF YOU CAN TELL ME!!!

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