Male!Koschei!Belarus x Reader (part 1)

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So okay, Belarus and Ukraine won my contest thing, obviously. So, after the Orientals (if you people even want them) who wants Sealand?

Koschei (Slavic): Magical man that can't die because his soul (or death) is seperate from his body. His soul's hidden separate from his body inside a needle, which is in an egg, which is in a duck, which is in a hare, which is in an iron chest (sometimes the chest is crystal and/or gold), which is buried under a green oak tree, which is on the island of Buyan in the ocean.


------your childhood--------

You're playing outside when you hear a sound behind a tree. You follow the noise to see a boy who looks about your age. He has platinum hair and purple eyes.

"H-Hello," you say. "I'm (Name). What's your name?"

"...Nikolai," he answers.

"Why are you hiding?"

"Because people are afraid of me."


Nikolai waves his hand to the side and snowflakes come from the trail of his hand. Your eyes go wide with awe.

"You're magic?!" You ask. He nods. "That's awesome! What else can you do?" He turns his face to the sky, takes in a breath and blows air at the sky. As the air leaves his mouth, a cloud starts to form in the air. Once the cloud settles a ways above the two of you, snow starts to fall from it.

You spend the day playing with Nikolai, you even see him crack a smile a couple times.

Near the end of the day, your parents call you inside.

"Sorry, I gotta go," you tell Nikolai. "It was nice meeting you, Nikolai!" You run inside and your parents find you soaked from the snow melting.

"(Name), why are you all wet?" You mom asks you.

"I met this boy named Nikolai." You answer happily. "He's magic and he made it snow!"

"What?" Your dad asks, confused.

"Nikolai made it snow! He's really nice too." You continue your day happily, but your parents are a little concerned.

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