Chapter 32

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Max P.O.V.

Stella has been in her office since we have gotten back to Seattle. She's done a couple of videos but I don't hear anything coming from her office. I wasn't to worried cause she is probably sleeping. She had a rough day and a busy one. Adam didn't care that she was taking a nap because I told him that we were going in a date later. It's pretty late and I don't think any nice restaurant is open. I asked Adam if Ross and Tim can stay the night so Stella and I could have alone time. Not that anything could happen; nothing would happen. I'll make sure of it.

"I gotta question for you," Ross said, coming over to my station. I sighed and spun my chair around.

"What?" I asked, taking my phone out.

"Becuase I'm your friend. Would you like to record a fan fiction with me?" He asked sweetly. I looked at him.

"You know I hate fan fictions." I said plainly. Irony is a cruel thing.

"Yes but the fans want it!" He exclaimed. I groaned and glared at him. Fan fictions are stupid. Like Mithross? Really? We are just roommates!

"No," I said and turned back around. I put on my headphones before he can say anything else. He tapped my shoulder and I ignored him. Go away. Please. Unfortunately he didn't answer my prayers and tapped my shoulder again.

"I SAID NO!" I yelled and whirled around. Adam was sending there with a camera. I groaned and turned back around.

"No to what?" He asked, walking over ship the camera can see me better. I groaned and ignored him. He brought it closer to my face, almost touching it.

"Adam! Fuck off! Can't anyone do work around here?" I yelled, getting frustrated. He laughed and slowly walked away. I let out a frustrated breath. He can be so annoying sometimes.

I started back up on editting. I realized that I wasn't going to get anything done while Adam was vlogging.

"Hey Max," someone said. Why Adam? Whyyy? My gawd. Will I ever have two seconds by myself? Probably not but I can only hope.

"What?" I mumbled, multitasking. I wrote down some comments for a video that we will be doing soon.

"Max." He said again.

"What?" I said more loudly.

"Don't you love Elsa?" He asked. He knows how to push my buttons. It's fucking Rosalinda!

"Adam fuck off," I growled. He laughed and got closer to my face. I looked forward and took a deep breath. "You got three seconds before I beat your ass."

He kept getting closer and closer. "1...2..." I looked at him. "3." I got out of my chair as he started running. I chased after him. I'm if course giving the fans a show but I'm also pretty annoyed and he had it coming. I caught up to him and tackled him. The camera went flying and bounced onto the ground. We both looked at each other with horror. Sorry no Skyzan. I quickly got off of him and ran towards the camera. I picked it up and checked for anything broken. Lens ring. Check. Lens filter. Check. Body. No visible damage. I sighed in relief and handed the camera back to Adam.

"Stop the recording for right now and give it to Corey or Ethan to make sure nothing is wrong. He nodded and laughed.

"Remember just always Let it go!" He sang and walked off.

"Fuck you Adam!" I yelled and walked back to my station. I can't wait until this work day is over. I can't wait till my date.

Stella P.O.V

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