Chapter 13

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If you guys see I updated some earlier chapters I had to fix the dates in there bc I had them set back too far for the story to go along correctly. And Sabrina hasn't seen her family in 2 years not one so ignore that if you read that previously😂 okay back to the new chapter :)

Sabrina's POV:

I see that it is 8:30am so I decide to get up and get ready.
I look over at Sarah's bed and see she's still asleep. I take a pillow and chuck it at her head. She raises an eyebrow and slowly opens her eyes saying,
"What was that for?"

I shrug and say,
"Get up nonna and pop pop are here."

She stretches out and hugs the pillow I threw at her and looks at me with her half open puffy eyes and says,
"Were talking in your sleep last night or were you on the phone?"

I say,
"I was talking to Row. Did you hear what we were talking about?"

She shakes her head as she sits on the edge of the bed checking her phone. I say,
"Well I got her a ticket and she's gonna be here around 1am tonight."

She smiles widely at me and says,
"OO yay!! I'm excited to see her!"

I smile and agree.
I go into my bathroom and wash my face and change out of my clothes I fell asleep in last night and change into something comfy for this cold winter morning.

I go downstairs and hear the kids yelling out of excitement,

I say giggling,
"What's all the yelling about?"

Jake, the youngest one here (in pre-k), says,
"Yay sabby is awake! Wook outside there's snow!" (He's 4 they don't speak too well just go with it😂)

My eyes light up and say copying them in a little kid voice,

Everyone laughs and my dad says,
"That's right! You haven't seen snow in a while. Okay you can go outside until the waffles and hot cocoa is done-"

Jake, Sofia, Jakes older sister in 1st grade, and I cut him off,

My dad continues,
"IF!... Sabrina you watch them and be careful!"

I nod and give him a "duh" face and roll my eyes.
I get the basket of kids snow clothes down from the closest and help them get changed.
I put on a pair of snow pants and a hoodie I found in the closest and put a black beanie on with some boots.
I've been told by many people I have a "hat head" and look good in any hat. I don't wanna sound cocky buuuut it's true.

When we get outside I remember how pretty the snowy scenery is here in our big open back yard, with the snowy trees and mountains in the distance, and the frozen over lake.
I didn't truly miss home until I saw this.

Outside, we build the biggest snowman we could and have a little snowball fight until we got called back inside after an hour and a half of just non stop running around and "chasing" the kids.
This is gonna be so much more fun with Rowan. The kids are gonna LOVE her and so is my family. She's a little cute squishy bundle of happiness and nothing can bring her down.

We race back to the deck and get out of our snow clothes in the door way.

After eating and drinking hot cocoa we join everyone in the living room. I lay across my moms lap and wrap my arms around her.
She kisses my head and says,
"Hi sweetie."

I smile and say,

Sofia says laying across my back making my laugh,
"I gotta admit, it's weird seeing you not on T.V. I feel like I'm talking to a tv character. I can't believe I'm related to such a talented celebrity. I love you sabby."

Everyone awe's and I can't help but just smile and tightly hug her making her let out this adorable giggle.
It makes me want to have a baby. Hm.

I stand up to go get my phone but my sister, Sarah, pulls me back down on the couch. We laugh and I say,
"Can I help you?"

She shrugs and says,
"Nah that was payback from this morning."

I say in a sarcastic tone,
"Oo oh no I hit you with a pillow to wake you up. Oh man that was a really bad prank."

She says,
"WELL JEES sassy!"

I laugh and say,
"I'll be right back I'm getting my phone."

I go to the kitchen table and grab my phone and decide to FaceTime Row. She picks up and smiles showing those adorable dimples I love. Man I just want to kiss her face.

I sit back down on the couch and say,
"Hey rowboat."

Everyone obviously recognizes I'm talking to Rowan and greet her loudly,
"Hi rowwwww!"

I say,
"Aaand that's my loud family."

She giggles adorably and says,
"They're fine."

I say,
"You'll see tomorrow morning when you meet everyone."

She says,
"Speaking of, I'm packing now."

I bite my lip looking at her not paying attention to her screen. Man how can someone be so damn pretty when they're literally doing nothing special.
Jake jumps on me and looks at my phone up really close and says,

Rowan starts busting out laughing and waves to my little cousin. Sofia comes over and says smiling,
"Jake, her name is Rowan but she plays Riley. Like Sabrina plays maya!"

I say,
"Hey you guys wanna meet her?"

They look at me with wide eyes and cheer. I say,
"What would you do if I told you she's spending Christmas with us?"

Sofia says,

Rowan and I laugh and I say,
"What do you think Jake?"

He puts his hand over his mouth and says,
"I can't bewieve it!"

I can't either.

Sorry this chapter was a load of fluff I didn't know what to for it 😂😂 give me some suggestions if you'd like so I can do chapters all about what you guys love💗
Thanks for endless love
Xoxo Jackie

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