Chapter 72

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Sabrina's POV:

Skip to November 12

Today's a free day for me so Sarah and I are gonna walk around town and have some down time before our next show again tomorrow.

As we're walking through urban outfitters, Sarah picks up some clothes to try on.
I don't feel like trying anything on today so I just look.

As I'm waiting for her to come out of the dressing room, I go on my phone:

Row💕: hi babe
Sabrina: hi
Row💕: how are you spending your day off
Sabrina: Sarah wanted to go shopping so we're in urban rn. Wby
Row💕: Corey and I are hanging out
Sabrina: awh the two left by their gf and bf
Row💕: yeah seriously you're states away and Peyton's all the way in Melbourne
Sabrina: oookay I'm sorry
Row💕: I'm kidding
Sabrina: I know I know
Sabrina: okay I'll text you later my phones gonna die
Row💕: :((( babyyyy
Sabrina: I knowww I sorry
Sabrina: I love you
Row💕: I love you more
Sabrina: no you don't
Row💕: you wanna bet
Sabrina: you bet I do 
Sabrina: who wins what
Row💕: when you come home I'll prove to you I love you more
Row💕: if I successfully do it, you owe me a whole day to do what I want
Sabrina: and when I win you gotta let me do whatever I want to you
Row💕: 😍😏 oh Jesus fuck
Sabrina: what's wrong are you already soaked from that
Row💕: shut up
Row💕: but deal
Sabrina: deal

Just as I sent that text, as if on cue, my phone dies.

I groan out loud and Sarah and I continue to walk the town.

As we're walking I hear a guy behind us talking on the phone.

"Yeah she's right in front of me!"
"No way in too nervous."
"Stop it!"
"She's so pretty in person."
"Wh- okay!"
"Okay maybe I will."
"Okay bye."

I glance over at Sarah as we laugh to ourselves, knowing he's talking about me.

The boy chokes out,

I stop and turn around and look at him with a smile.
I see his face get red and I say,

He says,
"Holy shit I can't believe it. I love you so much!"

I smile and say,
"Awe you're so sweet."

He says,
"Ca-can I get a picture with you?"

I say,
"Of course."

I walk to him and he asks shyly,
"Do you mind kissing me on the cheek in the picture? It's okay because you're single right. Unless you think I'm too weird, oh God."

I say,
"No I don't mind, but I am with someone but that's no problem."

I kiss his cheek for the picture and he says,
"Thank you! And wait what you do? I'm sorry now I feel so out of it. Is it Peyton? Or- or oh Corey! Oh no please don't tell me it's Brad! Oh god you deserve so much better!"

I laugh and say,
"No no it's none of those guys."

His eyes open wider and he says laughing,
"Wait. You're legit with Rowan?"

I look at him and say,

He says,

I say sassily,
"Yeah. Still not really getting why that's a problem?"

He sighs and says,
"Sabby. Haven't you noticed that lately the past few months she's been acting really weird? Extra feminist. Typing weird. The things she says. Her pictures she posts. Come on! She's a weirdo. You deserve so much better than her."

What the fuck?! Did this kid really just fucking say that? Oh he fucking thought.
As he was listing his reasons why he hates her I've been biting the inside of my cheek so hard it went numb and it started bleeding. Meanwhile, I didn't even realize it.

I let out a sarcastic laugh and say rudely,
"I'm sorry but.. what the fuck did you just say? I tried for a second to not get mad at you, but you really made that hard for me."

He says,
"Don't take it the wrong way, but come on I'm right."

I say,
"There is only ONE way to take that! You just don't like Rowan and that's fine. Everyone's got their opinions. But don't tell me as if I can relate or agree to them! Because if I did I wouldn't be having this conversation with you."

He says,
"Alright calm down."

I say angrily,
"Don't tell me to calm down."

He says trying to act tough, but I can sense a tad bit of worried-ness,
"What are you gonna do, huh?"

I let out another laugh and say,
"Really? You really want to fight? Alright let's go. Come at me! I dare you."

Sarah has been watching the whole time.
She says,
"Sabrina please stop!"

The boy says sinisterly,
"Yeah. Listen to your sister why don't you?"

All the sudden I see his fist come at me with full force.
I quickly duck my head down and shoot back up and see his face full of confusion.
I say,
"Yeah. Like I said. Try me this time."

My fist punches him right in the face.
He quickly retaliates punching me in mine.

I shove him back harder than I expected, knocking him right to the ground on his back.
I glare at him and he says scared,
"OKAY OKAY OKAY pl-please stop. You're way stronger than I expected. I won't tell anyone about this if you don't. Deal?"

I say,
"Alright. Whatever you want princess pussy."

He gets up and runs away holding his probably broken nose.

I walk back towards Sarah who immediately wraps her arms around me walking back to the rest of the crew.
She starts to say something softly but I interrupt her,
"Just don't."

She nods and squeezes me tighter.
I feel her cold, shaking body against my boiling blood infused body.

I hate that she had to see that.
I know I'd be scared if she picked a fight with someone who trash talked Peyton, too.

I just don't get it...

How many other people think so low or harshly of Rowan?


let's just say this subject discussed in this chapter isn't finished.
It will be brought up again.
So if that makes you happy: you're welcome
But if that makes you mad: I'm sorry don't hate me

Okay thanks for reading loves

Xoxo Jackie

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