Chapter 78

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Sabrina's POV:

It's been a day.
I haven't moved from the chair right next to Rowan's bed.
I haven't slept I haven't taken my eyes off her.

The doctors said anything could happen.
So I'm watching for any sudden movements.

Rowan's mom comes into the room after going home to shower and says,
"Sabrina honey you need to get some sleep."

I say,
"I can't."

She sighs and says,
"I know I can't either. Why don't you go take a nice shower? Go to our house and change into some fresh clothes. Please? You need to be comfortable. I'll let you know if anything happens."

I reluctantly and hesitantly say,
"Okay. Your right you're right. I'll be back soon."

She smiles and says,
"Okay and while you're home, wake up Carmen for me if she's not already awake."

I say,
"Of course."

I grab my phone and head downstairs and to the parking lot to my car.

I unlock the door and start to drive out of the hospital parking lot.

As I'm driving to head back to Rowan's house I suddenly remember that jakes out here somewhere. Hiding. Because he knows he's in deep shit.

If you can't hide, run. And if you can't run, hide.

Neither is suitable for Jake because I'll find that kid no matter what he does.

I take a right onto a small, kinda sketchy neighborhood street called James street.

It's not a good place to be so I drive rather quickly through it, keeping my eyes focused on hiding spots and the road as I pass by.

As I pass an alley way, something in my gut is drawn to it.

I immediately park the car and very quietly tip toe toward it.

As I get closer, I hide behind a pile of boxes and peep my head around the side looking inside the alley.

I notice a figure at the end of it turned around facing the other way.

No way in hell was I lucky enough to have found him.

Maybe it's a homeless man.

I tap the boxes once to see the person's face through a tiny hole in the middle so they can't see me.

The figure quickly and frantically turns around with an indescribable look on their face.

Is that Jake?
They look like they're a mess.

The person looks ashamed, scared, angry, and frustrated all at the same time.

The person speaks to them self looking around,
"What the hell was that?"

It's Jake.
That's his voice.

He eventually turns back around and continues what he was doing before.

I quietly and carefully move close to him. Centimeter by centimeter trying not to get caught by him.

Finally when I'm close enough,
I immediately swing my hand around to the front of his face and cover his mouth, then his forehead.

I whip his body around to face me and I say through my gritted teeth,
"I'm going to fucking kill you."

I see the terror in his eyes as he's trying to scream, but it's muffled by my hand.
I say,
"Why would YOU BE SCREAMING after what YOU DID TO ROWAN?"

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