Trust-The Best Thing in the World

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You feel like you can fly to the moon with the energy you have.

You should be careful with it though, the kickback would be harsh from what Ivankov said. But you're happy right now. When they went to New Kama Land, they managed to have a sink and a lot of food that you needed. You managed to wash off the blood on your cap and made it seem like how it was before!

You also had some of the other okama's repair your old white long sleeved shirt. The shorts were sadly not savageable, as well as the bindings underneath which had your old tie as well. But as long as you had one thing from your past, you're fine. Your new outfit consisted of your now repaired white long sleeved blouse and new black bindings underneath that covered your chest as well as stomach. New black jeans shorts were adjourned on your legs, while your now polished and repaired big black boots were on your feet.

Heck! The New Kama people even managed to snag your swords when Magellan was too busy with things on the other levels.

You have never felt more refreshed for a war. Probably because you've never been to one.

You spotted Crocodile while he sat with a new stylish fur coat of his, with a fancy shirt that suited him way more then that ugly plaid looking thing he had in Alabasta. You tilted your head as you looked at him light a cigar on his lips, that were also covered in bejeweled rings like before.

'He kinda looks like one of the mobsters...' You thought, scratching your left scarred cheek.

"(Y/N)!" A body suddenly smacked into your back as arms went around your neck, and legs around your torso. You gave a laugh as you bodily slammed him back with him on the floor as they began to wrestle with each other as the people around them stared at the odd spectacle.

"Luffy, you're lucky I didn't haven't my sword on me or you would've been cut in half." You said with a smirk as you had him in a head lock. "Shishishishi! Hey, I heard you came here because you already thought I was coming! How'd you know?!" You answered with a noogie to his head that you knew he wouldn't let his brother get killed.

Luffy then took a glance back behind you and then glanced back at you when he was released.

"Do you really trust him (Y/N)?"

You thought about it, feeling everyone's eyes on you for some reason.

He's a cruel man. Not kind at all. The man is also arrogant, his only expression seeming to be a smirk or a frown. When he laughs, it's usually out of dark or cruel amusement. Crocodile always made you tense, ready, always on guard with the impatient man. Yet, the fact that he had dark amusement and was impatient was what made you not immediately kick his butt. He managed to somehow be one of few that you didn't fight because of how they acted or their morals. When he wasn't acting possessive, arrogant, or just seeming to try to piss you off...he was actually entertaining to be around with.

He was a man who knew what he wanted and strived for it, making it real. If Luffy didn't stop him, you're positive he would've become the King of Alabasta. A man that trusted no one but himself. Believed in a world that only the strong strive, which is true. The weak must become strong to live in this world. The few moments that they bumped into each other throughout the years when you became a pirate were interesting.

A mere interest in your father grew into something more, asking questions on what he's heard lately from your travels, as well as sometimes buying you dinner. Again, a gentlemen, if he wasn't pushy and arrogant all the time. You enjoyed the food either way and would thank him for it, even though you were suspicious of his motives.

Which has always been the same.

Unlike Doflamingo, Crocodile makes it obvious what he wants when he interacts with you. Every time, he's shown the signs. You weren't stupid. He wants something from you, you
aren't sure what.

Strong(One Piece x Reader)[EDITING IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now