Garp, The Man Who Cared

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They continued running, this time with some of Whitebeard's allies in front of them, supporting them. You felt a slash coming, but not for you.

You quickly pushed Luffy out of the way, only for it to be not needed as Mr. 1 came and blocked the slash. You rose a brow as Luffy shouted in surprise.


Mr.1 glanced back towards them.

"It was Crocodile's orders." You straightened and nodded gratefully towards him and ran forward with Luffy, only for you to feel another attack coming towards you, you quickly putting Karasu away to take out Kuroi ten'nosabaki to prepare to deflect the attack away to protect Luffy. Only for it to not be needed as you felt sand on your cheek.

You widened your eyes.

Crocodile blocked Mihawk for you. Something that even caused your teacher Mihawk to be surprised.


Luffy stopped behind you as he realized you weren't the one that helped him. But a past enemy. Crocodile did not acknowledge Mihawk's call of his name and glanced down at the injured Mr. 1.

"You're sleeping too much Mr. 1." Crocodile observed as Mr. 1 replied he got rusty in prison.

'Good. He's alright.' You thought as you looked over at Mr. 1 and Crocodile. He got more injuries from Doflamingo it seems, with a strand of hair released and in front of his face.

"Gin Chi, go off with Mugiwara. You aren't needed here." Crocodile said lowly as he faced Mihawk, who had his eyes narrowed.

You grunted and gave a quiet thanks as both you and Luffy turned to continue running with Ivankov behind them. The two Warlords, former and present stared at each other.

"Why are you helping them? You're not the type to handle others battles. Unless...Silver Blood (Y/N) has something to do with it...?" Mihawk curiously asked, feeling a bit of surprise if that were the Warlord's intentions.

"I don't need to explain myself to you. So watch yourself Hawkeyes. I'm in a bad mood." Crocodile replied, wanting to take out his annoyance and anger from the flamingo on someone.

Mihawk said nothing. And he didn't need to, as two Warlords began their battle.


A laid platform towards the execution platform appeared in front of them thanks to Inazuma, Luffy yelling his thanks as you ran behind him with narrowed eyes.

"WE'RE HERE FOR YOU ACE~!" Luffy yelled for you, as you held your sword at the hilt you spotting Garp ahead. Seeing that the enemies trying to stop them being intervened by Whitebeard and his crew. The bridge then began to crumble as Garp stood in their way.

You gritted your teeth.

"OI!" You began, but Luffy interjected you. "Gramps! You've gotta move please!"

"I'm not moving! Not for anyone! I'm a Vice Admiral of Marine Headquarters!" Garp yelled back with a glare at both of them as you tightened your fists around your sword, as he continued to talk about how he's been fighting pirates since before both of them were born.

"The marines accepted you because of my famous accomplishments...if I wasn't the one that trained and personally backed you up..." Garp clenched his fists as he looked at his once student's face, but he has to say it. "You never would have been a marine!!"

Strong(One Piece x Reader)[EDITING IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now