Lost and Confused

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It didn't take long for the old man to somehow gather all the strength he had by dragging you, the islanders drawing their attention back to a lightly colored house that looked to be painted a pale yellow or a beige color. ( although you would call it more of a modest yet large hut due to the strong yet sturdy looking roofing. ) Some of the other houses had intricate symbols. No, symbols isn't the right word. They looked more like patterns with triangles and swirls inside of diamond shapes and thin lines. Your gaze flicked over the buildings, the old man started explaining you were going to the main building called the Wharenui. The houses kept catching your eye, especially when you finally reached this Wharenui, your eyes grew round.


The old man grinned, wrinkles and all as he nodded at the building. The roof was red, the roofing being more obvious due to the roof practically framing the front of the building and the front door. Atop the roof at the point was what looked like to be a warrior figurine with a sword, the walls along the side having some carvings into it as well from animals to weapons to plants. Even the door frame had those similar patterns from earlier, the art impressing you with the intricate detail. You can perfectly tell the cicada carving from where you were, from its large wings to each spot that represents their eyes.

"Impressive, yes? This is one of our proudest works, besides our curry of course." The young girl who you met earlier—you believe she was called Azu— all loud mouthed and blunt with spiky red hair that shows she didn't brush it said flatly their curry is third best. The old man ignored her. Putting a hand to a pillar with the carvings, covering a fierce looking boar. "We are an island of tradition. Proud of our ancestors in whatever they have in the past. And each carving represents that we remember them. The boar is my personal favorite."

You looked at the boar, walking closer to the wharenui, blinking as you leaned in. Looking at all the other carvings that were engraved into the wood with love and precision.

"A boar? Isn't the lion cooler?" You pointed at the one all the way at the top of the wooden pillar, the animal's face in a roar and posture proud, fangs flashing.

Azu waved an arm towards you, pointedly looking at the old man.

"See? Even the weird marine lady thinks Raiona is cooler than crazy Koki."

Eh? Weird? What did I do?

Before you thought much on it, the old man slammed the end of his cane down, face firm as he stared down at Azu.

"Don't talk like that! Kokori did a lot for this island more than that foolish bullheaded Raiona!" Azu was silent, face in a deep frown as she looked down and at the side. The old man's voice softened somewhat, sighing. "Raiona only thought of war. But Kokiri—Kokiri was the one that put us on the map. We are an island of spices and should focus only on the art of making others smile! Not create destruction. Do you understand, Azu?"

Azu was silent, only nodding as she continued to stare at the ground, brows furrowed.

The old man sighed again, before throwing you an airy smile, eyes curious.

"I may have to agree with Azu however, Marine. You came out of nowhere. Where's your warship with the rest of your crew?" Unbeknownst to you, a figure came from the back of the wharenui, leaning against the wooden walls as they listened in stoically. "Did you perhaps volunteer to scout ahead?"

"Oh, uh. No." You were sweatdropping, hand scratching the back of your head as you laughed sheepishly. "I kind of just got thrown here." Azu's and the old man's face morphed into confusion but you kept going, dropping your hand as you stared at them with interest. "But you guys mentioned a Yonko? What exactly is happening? I can still help."

Strong(One Piece x Reader)[EDITING IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now