An Idiotic but Likeable Clown

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"Oi." The marines tensed in fright as Crocodile looked over at them.

"You're going to toss who overboard?" He asked, Mr. 1 following with "You don't know your limits."

"You marines have done it now. You ruined the mercy I was planning with your big mouths." You were planning to use your Haki to take the ship quicker, but you knew that what the marines said made Crocodile go into a bad mood, along with his once subordinate. The marines looked at them in fear, until one told them to harden their resolve and throw the fruit users overboard. You put a hand to Karasu as guns were being aimed at them. Jimbei then took a shot with his fish man karate and took out some of the ship and marines as others looked on in shock.

"Oi! Jimbei! We need the ship intact!" You yelled down at the fish man, who gave his apologies. The marines began to move towards an attack, you quickly released Karasu and used Soryu to go through the enemies quickly.

"Karasu no..." A strange sound was heard throughout the ship as multiple marines bodies fell down in one fell swoop.

"Himei!!" You put Karasu away as you already cleared your side, although you wanted to assist Crocodile and Mr.1, you had to let them handle it by themselves. Once they were done, it seemed Buggy came to as he did a happy dance, causing you to laugh behind your hand once again at the spectacle. You then spotted Ivankov's huge head falling towards the sea, something you exclaimed loudly in concern, only for whale sharks to appear from the sea. No doubt from Jimbei, but from how Luffy seemed to be bouncing on top of them, you wanted to go on one.

"Awesome! Jimbei can I hop on one quickly?" You said excitedly, as the four men who came with you looked over at you. You looked at them, offended.

"What? Anyways, can I? Real quick." Jimbei had slight trouble replying as he said that they were in a kind of a rush. You held the number two with your right hand.



"Two jumps. That's it." Jimbei looked at you and wondered if your true nature is of the childish kind. He sighed with his eyes closed.

"Alright but it's best to—"

"Jimbei. She's gone." Crocodile said dryly as Jimbei opened his eyes and spotted, well, nothing in front of him except your two swords leaning against the rail. His gaze moved to the sea as he saw you laughing giddily with Luffy as they bounced together on top of the friendly whale sharks.

The fish man sweatdropped.


Buggy was sweating in nervousness, now that Silver Blood wasnt near, he's truly going to die. Crocodile has been looking at him with those scary eyes of his the moment she left. Buggy started to cry anime tears as snot ran down his nose.

'I'm going to die even though I just escaped hell itself! I don't even understand what I did!' Buggy wailed silently to himself. All he has been doing was replying to Silver Blood's interest in him! He is after all the great Captain Buggy, so of course she will be curious and know about him.

Though, that may be from the Bakagami. Buggy sniffed as he thought of the rumors that everyone gossiped about Silver Blood being with Shanks.

Which he doesn't understand, who would love that carefree idiot?!

Buggy tensed as a large shadow hovered over behind him, he started shaking as he saw the once Warlord stand over him looking down at him.

'GYAAAAAAAAHHH!! Look at that scary expression! He's going to die! He's dead! He's dead! He's—'

Strong(One Piece x Reader)[EDITING IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now