Back With a Bang!

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Once you finally arrived in the island, a young inexperienced Marine helped you on off the boat once they realized who you were, the famous CP9 agent. The one who always completed a mission without fail, victims only seeing a flash of silver before their death. The only one who can keep up with the infamous and cold Rob Lucci.

Oh, how ignorant they are of what I will do.

And without a care in the world, you walked with shoulders straight and a confident gait towards the council room within Marine HQ. Ignoring the young marine's stumbled warning of how you shouldn't go in there, you already pushing the doors open casually.

Guess he was right.

You didn't know that it happened to be a meeting with the Warlords.

Well shit.

You were met with curious eyes all around, but the Warlords that were there(they were three) didn't seem to care too much. They seemed to not want to be there actually. One with tinted glasses looked at the ceiling in boredom with both his feet on the table as he rocked the chair back and forth. Another with a unique hat and a large sword that was almost the same size as yours had his eyes closed. And the other was just reading a newspaper, cigar in mouth as he read.

"Ah, it's you. We haven't seen you in awhile here (Y/N). Smoker has asked of you, you know."

You immediately turned your attention towards the Admiral who spoke. You brightening up at the familiar face, who looked towards you with a lazy smile.

"Aokiji-san! It has been awhile hasn't it?" You laughed, uncaring as Aokiji closed his eyes in humor. Commenting that you were greatly missed in headquarters by many. Including himself. You chest warmed at the thought of your old friends missing you as much as you missed them. But Smoker...he's asked of you. Is he alright?

"How is he?"

"Smoker? He became Captain during the years you were gone. Assigned at Louguetown, where you both grew up." Aokiji answered in a drawl, seeming to just want this meeting over with to take his daily nap. But you observed he has more energy in his eyes then usual, a result of your surprised and unannounced visit.

Captain huh?

You smiled.

That's good. He's gotten stronger then.

You then blinked.

"A-Ah, sorry for barging in here. I didn't expect there to be a meeting. I just needed a Den-Den Mushi to use." You laughed sheepishly with you scratching the back of your neck. An eyelid revealing a gold eye of a hawk opened and glanced at you. You sensed the look, and looked at the man with no hint of fear or anything.

"That sword." He spoke with a monotone and low, but that seemed to cause the tinted glasses Warlord to stop rocking his chair and glance with renewed interest. The one reading the newspaper made no move however.

You blinked again, and brought your hand to Kuroi ten'nosabaki's hilt.

"Oh this one? I got it when I was little. Around the time of Roger's execution."

The man didn't seem to be satisfied as both his eyelids now opened to reveal gold and sharp eyes like a hawk.

Mihawk Hawkeyes.

The World's Greatest Swordsman.

"Where?" He prodded, the man with the cigar now looking above his newspaper in slight interest. As the tinted glasses one began to smile, his feathery coat curled atop his back, open shirt revealing his naked chest. The Vice-Admirals in the room looking on in shock at the speaking swordsman. Even causing Kuzan to blink in surprise. The swordsman hasn't spoken a word during this whole meeting.

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