The Song of Hopes and Dreams

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A few days passed, then the day of you, Shanks, and his crew singing together the song of Bink's Sake came. The crew looked at you in a mix of shock and curiosity all around, in disbelief that a marine would know such a song. Much less be willing to sing it with pirates!

"Eh?!" Yasopp's eyes blinked rapidly in astonishment, "You know how to sing that song?!"

You scratched your left smooth cheek, as you nodded. "Yeah, my mother taught it to me when I was a kid. Before she left..." You shrugged off the nostalgia and sadness of her death quickly, looking at the crew with a sheepish grin as you all sat on the sand in front of the waves of the island. The islanders were doing their own thing, some children playing, others talking or eating, and a few listening to the conversation in interest.

Benn glanced at you with his gray eyes, "Still though, I've never heard of a marine knowing that song before." Benn took his cigarette from his mouth to his fingers and blew. "It's quite surprising actually."

"Mmfh!" Lucky Roo grunted as he took a bite of his meat, "(Y/N)-san, was your mother a pirate?" He questioned, swallowing the bite as his eyes under his small glasses looked over at you in curiosity. That's the only reason that your mother would know such a song by heart, and to sing it to you.

Your sheepish smile turned into a small frown, as you crossed your arms to answer them. "Actually it's my father who was a pirate. His name is—"

You got cut off as Shanks plopped next to you with a laugh and drinks in his hands, with one arm already around your shoulders as the smell of alcohol from the mug filled your nostrils. You blushed at the contact, but Shanks didn't comment on it as he looked towards you with a bright grin. The crew, however, looked at each other with knowing eyes.

"(Y/N)! Come on now! Let's drink while we sing Bink's Sake! It's always more fun that way! Dahahaha!" You looked up at him with a sweatdrop.

"A-ah, sorry Shanks. I don't drink. I get weird when I do." Shanks blinked down at you.

"Eh?! Not drink?! Who cares if you get weird, we'll get weird with you! It'll make the singing more fun!" As he exclaimed this, he brought you closer to him with his arm that still held your shoulder. The contact...felt nice. It was warm. Like everything else about the man. But, you gotta tell him clearly that you don't drink. Even if your face was growing increasingly warm as you gazed up at the cheerful red haired pirate who was giving you an expectant grin.

"Shanks, sorry. But the kind of weird that I get, is a type of weird I'm not comfortable with. I'm a..." You stopped yourself, as a memory resurfaced when you first tried to drink alcohol which was with Lucci. Your body grew immediately red at the memory of Lucci explaining to you what you did, with an arrogant air around him and a sadistic smirk on his lips.

Yeah. You're not telling Shanks what kind of drunk you are. Too embarrassing.

"...I just get weird. I'll just sing the song like this then, you guys can drink." You finished, as Shanks looked at you with a curious frown but eventually nodded. His understanding brown eyes looked into yours as he smiled.

"Of course, (Y/N). I would never want a friend of mine to be uncomfortable." You widened your eyes at his soft tone and expression, which quickly turned into a pout. "But mah~, it's not as fun to sing when not everyone is drunk~. I wanted to see you drunk, (Y/N)!" He whined, looking to the side with the most childish pout you've ever seen. It was...adorable. You blushed at your thought, and giggled at the odd Yonko who already let go of your shoulder and was being reprimanded by his crew members to not act like a spoiled kid.

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