Hajime x Cold! Reader

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You never came out of your room. Not because you were scared of the killing game of course. You didn't like other people and was pretty cold.

A knock could be heard from your door.

"Hey Y/N! We are having a party on the beach tonight! Wanna come hang?" Nagito asked.

You didn't respond. You wanted to avoid talking to people.

"Giving me the cold shoulder? Aww you're so mean Y/N. Anyway, we will be on the beach if you want to join us." You could head his footsteps walk away.


~~~~~~~{Hajime's POV}~~~~~~~~~

"What did she say?" Hajime stood up as soon as Nagito arrived. "No go. She doesn't respond to me." Hajime slumped back into his chair. "Darn it."

"Why do you even like her. She's so cold, especially to you." Nagito sat beside him, sipping his Panta. "I...I know there is something behind that icy exterior. It reminds me of something..but I don't seem to remember."

Nagito smiled. "Well it's good to follow your dreams...want some?" He held out some Panta. "No thanks. I'll stick to orange juice." Nagito pouted. "Of course."

I wonder if she actually cares. But I will try to make my way to friendship. No matter what.

~~~~~~~~~~{Your POV}~~~~~~~~~

You kept throwing paper wads into your trash can. Once you get a basket, you say "And the crowd goes wild!," sarcastically.

You slumped back onto your bed. You were bored, but didn't want to go to that party

Knock knock

I thought everyone was already at the party.

"Hey Y/N." Hajime's voice could be heard from the door. "I-I...wanted to ask you something. I'm not asking you to go to the party. I just want you and I to go eat something together. It won't be a bother."

You thought about his offer.

What if he's trying to kill me. That would be stupid. But I'm prepared to defend myself..just in case.

You opened the door.

"Y-Y/N!!" Hajime was shocked at seeing your face. "Show me to the spot. I'll follow." Hajime nodded nervously and headed to their destination.

They both arrived at another part of the beach, two chairs and one table. It had food and sparkling pink drinks.

Is that what he's trying to do? Poison me? Hah good try. I'm not an idiot.

"Please sit down." He pulled out the chair and you sat down in it cautiously.

He sat across from you and smiled.

"I'm really..surprised! That you..came. I'm really thankful. I know you don't like us that much."

You got that one.

"I...I just wanted to hang out with you. I really...admire you." Your fork hung in midair as you stared at him.

Admire me??

"I would really like to get to know you. Before you shut yourself in your room, I saw you help a bird that had a broken wing. It was really inspiring."

He saw that?!

"So..I wanted to see if you would eat with me..and here you are." He smiled at you. Your heart jumped.

What? Is this feeling?

"I....I am grateful that you asked me here." Your words choked out. You weren't used to talking.

"You...have a beautiful voice." You blushed. "Flattery won't get you anywhere, you know." You tried to look away from him.

He's probably one of those men who want you for your body. Not you.

"What is your goal here? To kill me? To seduce me?" You spat.

He looked at you in surprise.

"I...No..I just wanted to spend some time with you. I...really like you. You are a nice person and I want to be with you..." He blushed and turned away.

"Hajime...." Your heart fluttered

Maybe he's..a truly good guy.

"Thank you. That's really kind." You touched your chest. "It really makes me happy." He smiled, holding out his hand.

"Wanna walk on the beach together?" You blushed then put your hand in his.

"Of course."

You two talked and had a great time, together.

Y/N:Get a hold of yourself! I just said yes to his offer, that's all.
Y/N:Are you...shipping us?
Me:Slinks into my shipping shrine.
Y/N:Oh no you don't!

Next is Ouma x ReaderNeko! x Amami

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