Gonta x Self Conscious! Reader

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Requested by SuchFandoms
Inspired by Tea_Jay chapter on her one-shots. Go check her out!

Sunflowers mean admiration. My admiration for you will never cease.


"GG?" You whispered out loud as you looked at the beautiful bouquet of sunflowers in your hand.

You put it in a huge vase you had on the dining table.

Why would someone like me? I'm not very special. I'm not pretty, not the smartest, and my personality isn't very unique.

You shrugged as you raced to your room to get ready for school. You put on a black shirt with your favorite fandom's name on it and some leggings with your plaid jacket tied around your waist.

You looked at yourself in the mirror. Even though you hated it. You hated looking at yourself. You didn't feel pretty or even nice looking.

The outfit is cute..but not on me.

You sighed as you got your backpack and slung it over your shoulder. You lived close to the school, so you walked there.

You passed a few shops, the flower shop catching your eye, reminding you of your admirer.

I wonder who it is? GG?

You sighed into the cold fall air.

(At class)

Class was easy. I wrote down notes until the bell rang, and we went to lunch. I was leaving the school building when I bumped into someone.


"Gonta is so sorry! He will make this right! Here!" He held out a hand.

You grabbed it as he pulled you up.

"Thanks." You smiled at him.

You suddenly realized he was a huge guy, towering over your small body.

"Ah! Geez..you're...tall." You chuckled nervously.

"Sorry. Gonta looks harmful but he can't even hurt a fly." He waved his hands reassuringly.

"Are you a student? I never see you around."

"Yes. Gonta is student. You haven't noticed Gonta? Gonta notices you." He smiled.

You suddenly realized in your head. Maybe it was the infamous "gg".

"What is your name?"

"Gonta Gokuhara. Nice to meet you finally." He shook your hand vigorously and then waved his hand goodbye.

"Bye Y/N!"

"G-Gonta Gokuhara?" You whispered.


You walked back home, thinking about the intimidating looking guy.

He likes me? What is there to like? He's so handsome and nice. If he dated me, he would be disappointed.

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