Kiibo x Reader//An Unlikely Alliance pt.1

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Requested by CatsGoMyow

{Thank for my sis Tea_Jay for making up the name R.U.P.T.U.R.E for this one shot.}

You sighed heavily as you walked along the corridors of R.U.P.T.U.R.E. A company in which the CEO was your father. The company makes sure robots be held in captivity so that they could not endanger innocent human lives.

Speaking of your father, you were visiting him today. He was the boss of headquarters and he was too busy to come home and have a normal birthday. Instead, you decided to come to his office and hang out with him there.

You were sick of how your father would put the company before your family. Ever since you were a child it was always you, your mother, and your younger sibling.

You rasped your fist on the dark wood door. A few moments later, it opened to reveal your father dressed in a dark blue suit.

"Y/N. What are you doing here?" He looked at you in surprise.

"I'm here to give you your birthday present. Happy birthday Dad." You handed him the brightly wrapped present with a black bow on top.

"Uh. Thanks sweetie, that means a lot but you can't be here today. I have a huge meeting in 10 minutes that I have to prepare for. I appreciate the gift, really but I really need to be alone right now." He gave you an apologetic smile before shutting the door.

Your eyes brimmed with tears.

He didn't even open it...

You slunk back down the hallway, wiping your tears away. Suddenly, a huge crash made you freeze in your place.

A huge siren went off and red lights were blazing throughout the building.

"What the heck?!" You tried to find where the sound came from but before you could, a voice came over the intercom.

"Code Red, I repeat, Code Red! Subject 282 has escaped the main room. I repeat, Subject 282 has escaped the main room."

You had no idea what the voice was saying but you knew one thing.

You needed to get the heck outta there.

You decided to go down the stairwell, deciding it was safer than the elevator at the time. You raced down the steps, wondering what the voice meant.

Subject 282? A robot? I didn't know they actually had robots in the building.

That was when you started to fear for your life. Memories of your childhood raced in your head. Pounding in your skull like a migraine.

You heard a door slam open from a few floors above you. You ran even faster down the steps as you heard loud footsteps come down behind you.

Suddenly, a door opened on your floor. A dozen officers came rushing out, holding up guns at you, ready to fire.

"Halt! By the order of RUPTURE you are to-" before the man could finish, he was blasted into the wall behind him. The others held up their guns to the new threat, which stood behind you.

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