Ishimaru x Shy!Reader//Sleepover

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Requested by TheHallMonitor2006
(This takes place on Halloween)


"Hahahaha! Won again motherf**kers!" Iruma yelled, flaunting her victory everywhere.

"Nyehhhh. I would have beaten you with my magic but that would be too much hard work." Himiko groaned. "Let's do something else."

If we keep on playing monopoly Iruma will just win again. I wish Ouma was playing. Maybe he could destroy her annoying winning streak.

"I agree with Himiko! Let's find something else to do!" Tenko agreed almost immediately.

"Well? What should we do?" Tsumugi asked.

"Oh oh! Atua says we should tell spooky stories. Today is Halloween after all." Angie piped up.

"S-scary stories?" Tenko squeaked.

"Are you telling me Miss Little Akido Master is afraid of scary stories? Phht-hahahaha!" Iruma started laughing hysterically.

"W-what?! No!! It's just Himiko might get scared!" Tenko interjected.

"Nyeh. I'm not afraid of them." Himiko shrugged.

Ding Dong

"Oh more guests!" Tsumugi clapped her hands. "Y/N could you get them? I need to go to the bathroom real quick."

"Of course." I said.

I walked up to the door and peeked through the window.

That black hair...

Those red eyes....


I sweated nervously, gripping the door handle.

W-what's he doing here? He usually studies over the weekend!

I opened the door reluctantly.

"H-hey Ishimaru. What are you doing here?"

"Hello Y/N. Tsumugi invited me to the sleepover. I would usually be studying but I have nothing to study for. So I'm going to join you guys in your Halloween festivities!" He pumped his hand up.

"A-ah...okay." You opened the door to let him go in.

More and more people started to arrive.

So we got Ishimaru, Kaito, Saihara, Ouma,Kiibo, Kyoko,Aoi, and Maki. Geez why did she invite so many people a sleepover? What does she plan to do with us all, participate in a killing game? Pah! Yeah right!

"Alright everyone. It's time to tell spooky stories!" Tsumugi clapped her hands.

"S-Spooky stories? Count me out on this one. I'll just go to the bathroom or something." Kaito scuttled away.

"Kaito doesn't like the paranormal. He gets sick when he hears stuff like that." Saihara informed.

"Ok then. Who wants to go first?" Tsumugi looked around for volunteers.

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