(Kundere/Fem!) Reader x Amami.

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Requested by akamatsukaede

"Hey!" Amami put his hand on your shoulder. You brushed it off slowly. "Hi." You quietly said and walked away.

"Where are you going?" He said in an inquisitive voice. "None of your business really." You muttered under your breath.

He frowned and started to follow you. You led him to a classroom. An old, dusty classroom. He stopped at the doorway and peered in.

What could she be doing? Tsk.Tsk.

She looked around and went through a closet. She took out a broom and started sweeping.


"Sweeping? What for?" You jumped at his words.

"I just want to clean. It's dusty and old. It makes me cringe looking at it, so I'm cleaning it up." Amami grinned. "Could I help you??"

Help me? I really don't see anything bad in this.

"Fine. Grab a duster and dust the desks." She returned to sweeping. Amami complied and started to dust the desks.

There was silence for a while and no one dared to talk to each other.

"So why do you want to clean this place? Are you a germaphobe?" Amami asked, not looking at you.

You sighed and faced him. "I just...it's part of my talent. The Ultimate Germaphobe....it's shaming to say." You blushed in embarrassment. "That's why I don't talk to people, I'm afraid to get close to people and them making fun of me. That's why I kept my talent a secret. You?"

Amami looked at her in confusion. "I..I really don't know my talent." You stared at him. "You seem to know something we don't. You seem like you know everything about this place."

Amami sweatdropped. "I REALLY don't know my talent. I can't remember." Your eyes sharpened. "Well you might not know your talent but something's up." You lowered your head. The sweeping noises echoed in Amami's ears.

How does she know?

"Hey, you missed a spot." You put her hand on the duster. Your hand touched his and you both looked at each other. He didn't realize how pretty you were and how your eyes sparkle.

You quickly pulled your hand away and grabbed the duster and started dusting the desk. "You're so quiet all the time. Why did you talk to me?" She smirked. "I want to know what you're hiding. It takes one to know one." He blushed and put his face into his hands.

"Um..Amami?" You tilted your head. "Are you okay??" He smiled. "It's nothing,really. I..have to go but I'll be here later to help you."

(He helped you clean for a few weeks. In that few weeks he developed feelings. But he didn't know if you liked him back.)

"Hey Y/N." He closed the door. "So what are we-" She wasn't there. "Hmm..." He stepped back out and looked around. She wasn't there.

Where in the world is that girl?

After some searching he ended up in his room. He was searching for a flashlight. There were some shady areas in the building so he didn't want to go unprepared.

"Amami." A harsh tone vibrated across the room. He immediately looked up. You were on his bed, holding a bento.

"Y/N! You weren't at the classroom? Where were you??" He asked. You smiled. "I was in here, waiting for you." You looked down at the bento. "T-This is for you..." You said quietly.

He looked at the bento. "F-For me??" He stuttered.

You nodded and held out the bento. He opened the lid and it spelled I LOVE YOU in sauce.

"I...." He turned a bright shade of red.

You turned a shade pink but contained your excitement.

"I love you Amami. I didn't realize until you helped me. I usually avoid people but I couldn't ever avoid you. Will you have this bento?" She held it out.

Amami smiled, his face beaming. "I would rather have you." He embraced you and gave you a kiss on the lips. You kissed him back. You two will love each other till the end.

(Funny ending)

You and Amami were making out. And I wanted to capture this moment. It would make good blackmail.

Me:Taking pictures of you and Amami getting spicy. Lol.

Tenko: What are you doing Author-chan? Ahh! Omg!!" She half-yelled, half-whispered.

Me:Get the others.

Tenko:Hey guys get over here! (She waved to some people in the hallway.)

Kaito:Are they making out?

Gonta:Gonta can't watch this!

Me:Cover your eyes Gonta! This is too sinful for your pure eyes!

Gonta:Im doing that!!

Ouma: OHhohhohohohooo

Maki: I would say get a room, but they are in a room.

Saihara: Kaede, hold me!

Kaede:(Holds Saihara) Got ya!

Angie: May god bless them.

Korekiyo: It's just so beautiful! Two humans showing their love and compassion to each other in the form of each other's naked embrace!

Everyone:(Stares at him weirdly.)

Hoshi:Stop being weird.

Me:Gonta cover your ears!

Gonta:I already heard it though!!!


And that was the last anyone had seen of Author chan......it was it...?

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