Mastermind!Ishimaru x Reader x Spy!Mondo {Forever?}

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Requested by Fairyprincess888888
Btw if the person who is copying my stories is copying this chapter, I just want to say something: F you :) )

Btw I totally realized that i forgot to put Mondo as a spy but I was already finished..sorry! :((((


Can we start over?
Can we be strangers again?
Let me introduce myself
We can laugh and talk
And relearn what we already know
And come up with inside jokes
And create new memories
And give each other
A second chance..
But it's too late for that now.
- anonymous

(3 hours in the future)

"Y-you..are the mastermind? No, no it can't be.." Mondo gritted his teeth.

Ishimaru stepped towards him, a devilish grin on his face.

"Oh it can. I was the one who killed Y/N. She was getting into my business. But, I erased everyone's memory of her/him so no one will know."

Ishimaru was a few steps away from Mondo, still having his wicked grin.

" Mother***ker!" Mondo yelled, holding up a knife. "I'll kill you!!"

"Really? I doubt that?" Ishimaru swiftly knocked the knife out of his hand and kicked him in the groin and held out a gun.

Mondo groaned in pain, clenching his stomach.

He then lifted his knee up and kicked him in the chin. "You loved him/her too much Mondo."

A gunshot could be heard. Mondo was dead, his blood pooling from his corpse.

Ishimaru chuckled evilly.
"Plus, I loved her/him before you did..."

(Present time in the killing game)

"Mondo..what are you doing?" You asked, peeking around the corner.

Mondo looked at the vending machine in frustration, apparently not noticing you were there.

"Come on!! Give me a Monokuma plushie you stupid thing!" He banged against the glass, the Monokuma stuck in the machine.

"F**k!" He shouted, putting his head to the glass.


His eyes popped open at the sound of your voice.

"W-wha..Y/N?" He had a shocked expression and a blushing face, frozen in embarrassment.

"Are you ok Mondo?" You tilted your head.

"O-oh yeah...yep. F**king great!" He scratched the back of his neck in nervousness.

You narrowed your eyes. "Ok..if you say so."

You walked up to the vending machine and broke the glass, grabbing the plushie and handing it to Mondo.

"I don't know what you are going to use this for, but here you go."

Mondo grabbed the plushie with a flabbergasted expression, still frozen.

"Wow." That's all he could manage to say.

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