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The four girls had just finished one show and everyone was still wide awake and needed to do something, except for the blonde. Perries head rested on Jade's knee as her girlfriend stroked her hair getting out the knots.
"So... who wants to hit the club?" Leigh-Anne asked lively.
"Yes..." Jade and Jesy said together.
"What about you Babe, you coming?" Jade asked gently whilst still stroking Perrie's hair.
"Errr... no thanks I think I might just go to bed, but you three have fun." She sat up and kissed Jade on the cheek before waking over towards the bunks.
"Is she okay?" Leigh-Anne asked out of curiosity.
"I don't know. I might go and check on her." Jade had began walking towards the bunks and heard Perrie sobbing.
"Baby... what's wrong?" Jade said whilst cuddling up with her flawless girl.
"Jade... it's...it's the voices. There really strong and...and they being really horrible." It was hard for pez to reply through her sobs.
"Oh pezza, why didn't you tell me?" Jade was hugging Perrie tight, making sure she felt safe.
"I... I didn't want to ruin your fun." Perrie looked up at her girlfriend with bright blue, hopeful eyes.
"Baby, I just want you to be okay, I don't care if I don't go out, as long as I know my precious girl is okay." Jade kissed Perrie's forehead. "I'll be back in a minute buba." Jade walked out and greeted Jesy and Leigh with a frown.

"You two go me and Pezza are going to stay, the... erm voices are a bit strong." Jade said running around the kitchen gathering things like chocolate and drinks, which she knows will cheer up her girlfriend a bit more. She knew they wouldn't go completely, but as long as she could distract her a bit, she will be content. Perrie's voices started just over a year ago, she has good days and bad days. Today was obviously a bad day.

She walked back to Perrie's bunk and handed her the chocolate then got in. Perrie instantly cuddled up to her girlfriend, finding comfort in her. "Just relax baby, frozen or tangled?" Jade asked suggesting Disney movies. "Tangled." Perrie said. "Okay, good choice." Jade laughed since it was her favourite film.

Half way through the film, Perrie started screaming. "Hey hey, Pez look at me." Jade held her head and moved it so they were eye level. "It's okay, focus on me, focus on my words. Look at my lips and my mouth." The slightly older brunette said.  Tears were streaming down Perries face. "Jadey make it stop." The blonde screamed. "I can't baby. Come on just focus on me." Jade began singing it usually worked. After at least 6 minutes (two full songs) Perries tears stopped, Jade released her grip on Perries face. Pez launches into Jades knees. "You're okay sweetheart." Jade rubbed her back. "Thank you." The you get girl sobbed. "Any time baby girl," Jade replied. "Shall we watch the rest of the film?" She added. Pez just nodded but turned slightly so she was still sat on Jades knee but could see the TV clearly. Jade knew that Perrie was clearly having a bad day and needed comfort. "Ahhhhh!" Perrie yawned. "You tired baba?" Jade chuckled kissing Perrie's temple. Pez just nodded and rested her head under Jades collar bone. "Let's get changed and we can go to sleep." Jade picked Perrie up and changed her into a tank top and shorts. She then changed herself. Once they were both done, brushed their teeth and hair, they got back into bed. "If you wake up in the middle of the night babe, please wake me up down just lie here and cry yourself back to sleep." Jade warned Perrie as her blonde girlfriend cuddled up to her. "Okay baba." Perrie agreed and feel into a long sleep. Thankfully she didn't wake up that night, but another bad day did follow.
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