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Finn's POV

"All she left was this note."

I said, putting it in the middle of Sasha, Mella, Sami, and Cass. Sasha picked it up and read it aloud.

"Dear Finn,
I love you. I'm sorry things had to end this way. I didn't want Aaron to come after you. This was the only way to get him to stop. I took your locket cause I always wanted to remember you, Loser. Find a good girl, marry her, and have a great family. If I turn up dead soon, don't be surprised. If Em, Aria, or Noah ever asks, Mommy died. Because I did. I'm gone inside. Because I'm with Aaron Solow. And I would rather be dead then here.
                               Love, Squish.


Mella said.

"Do you think he came in the house and took her?"

Cass asked.

"I don't fucking know! I just want my god damn fiancé back!"

I screamed at him.

"Let's file a missing persons report. Give them a tip about Aaron. They'll find her."

Sami said.

"What if she's dead already?"

I asked him.

"At least you'll have closure."

Sami said.

"Fine. Let's do it. I don't even wanna know what he's doing to her right now."

I said, grabbing my car keys.

Bayley's POV

"Get off me!"

I screamed at Aaron as he grabbed my wrists.

"Shut up."

He yelled, throwing me on the bed.

"You're pretty when you're sad. You're eyes have this glisten to them when tears fill them."

Aaron said, caressing my cheek.

"You're gonna rape me, aren't you?"

I asked him.

"It's not rape if you enjoy it, doll face."

Aaron said, squishing my cheeks.

"Or should I call you..Squish?"

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