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"It's so pretty!"

Mella said, admiring my bracelet.

"You did such a good job picking this out."

Sasha said to Finn.

"I just bought what best suited my love."

He said, kissing my cheek.

"You two are so adorable."

Sasha said with a giggle. Finn wrapped his good arm around me as I smiled.

"So Finn, when do you go to the doctor again for your shoulder?"

Mella asked.

"Tomorrow I'll see if I need surgery on it or not. Hopefully not cause I'm dying to get back in that ring."

He said.

"Don't rush anything. You need your arm, loser."

I said, looking at him.

"Well, speaking of getting in the ring, when are you going back at it Bay?"

Sasha asked.

"I don't know. I wanna make sure he's okay first."

I said.

"You don't have to worry about me, love. You need back in that ring. I see how you look at the TV when Mella or Sasha is on. You need back in a ring."

Finn said.

"I know it's just-"

"No. No if, ands, or buts. You're getting your butt in the ring. Even if I have to force you there."

Finn said.

"You're such a loser."

I said, rolling my eyes.

it's always been you.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin