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I yelled, getting his attention.

"Well, well, well...look who came running back. Where's your little husband at?"

Aaron asked. I walked up to him, grabbed him by the shirt, and pushed him against the wall.

"I said to fucking leave us alone! Why can't you learn that?"

I asked. He just smiled at me.

"You're cute when you're angry."

Aaron said.

"Do you think I'm fucking playing with you, you son of a bitch?"

I yelled. Then I felt someone tug on me.

"No! Let me go!"

I yelled, trying to get out of Finn's grasp.

"Bayley, stop!"

He yelled at me.

"You're gonna get yourself suspended before you even come back. Now quit!"

Finn said.

"Yeah. Get that little slutty ass piece of shit on outta here."

Aaron said, adjusting himself.

"Okay, now you've done it."

Finn said, letting go of me. He went straight after Aaron and decked him in the face. And then it went off from there. Finn and Aaron didn't stop fighting until Hunter got in the middle of them.

"Enough you two! Bayley, Finn, my office now!"

Hunter yelled. I rolled my eyes as I headed towards his office. This couldn't be good.

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