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2 Days Later

"I'm gonna miss you guys!"

I said, crouching down on my knees to hug Noah, Aria and Emery.

"Mommy I don't wanna leave!"

Aria whined.

"I know baby. I don't want you to leave either. But you have school tomorrow so you have to go. But I promise, you can always come back here."

I said, hugging her.

"I love you mommy."

Noah said, hugging me.

"I love you too. Don't you guys ever forget that. I love you so much."

I said. I hugged Emery and even though she didn't say anything, she finally hugged me back. And that was enough words for me. While the kids hugged and said goodbye to Finn, I walked over to Sasha's Mom.

"Thank you for everything you do for them. I couldn't think of anyone I want to take care of my babies more."

I said, hugging her.

"Of course. I love having them around. You guys are so young and in the prime of your career. You don't need any distractions."

Sasha's Mom said.

"Well, thank you. I really can't thank you enough."

I said.

"Bayley, don't worry about it. Just make these kiddos proud."

She said. I nodded as the kids ran back over to where we were.

"We gotta go. We'll see you guys soon. Make them proud."

Sasha's Mom said before walking away. Finn wrapped his arm around me as we watched them walk away.

"Make them proud."

I said with a smile.

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