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After the whole Aaron situation, we finally got to the good part of the wedding. The actual marriage part.

"Well with everyone else's blessings and the power invested in me by the state of Florida, I pronounce you two Man and Wife. You may kiss your bride."

The preacher said. I smiled as Finn kissed me and everyone cheered.

"I love you."

Finn said.

"I love you more."

I said as I smiled. Finn raised our hands up, victory style as I laughed.

Later that night

I smiled as I looked around the reception. I was so happy to have even a couple hours of drama-free, also known as Aaron-free, time with the people I love. Sami stood up from where he was sitting next to Finn, since he was the best man, and tapped on his glass.

"What's he doing?"

I asked Sasha as she smiled.

"You'll see."

She said, smiling. Sami grabbed a microphone as I raised my eyebrows.

"Okay So first, I wanna give a congratulations to my best friends in the entire world, Bayley and Finn. You guys are amazing and are an amazing couple."

I smiled as I rested my head on Finn's shoulder.

"Now, then being my best friends, I've known them for a while. I remember a mere 7 years ago when Bayley came to live with Sasha and I. She stayed with us a lot, but now she was here to stay for more then a couple nights. So, I talked to Finn about it. And him, being the flirt he is, suggest that he should finally ask her out. Of course, he was too scared to ask her out on a proper date and just asked her to go eat burgers after working out at the PC."

Sami said as everyone laughed, including Finn and I.

"But, 7 years later, here we are. I guess those burger dates paid off. Congratulations you two. I love you guys."

Sami said as I smiled.

"Love you Sami!"

I said with a smile.

"My turn!"

Sasha said, grabbing the microphone from Sami's hand. I laughed as I looked at her.

"Okay so I wanna start off by, of course saying congratulations to my very best friends in the entire world. Bayley, you especially. I know what you've been through. I've known you longer than anyone here and I know more about you then even Finn does. I'm so proud of how far you've come, not only in these past few weeks, but in the past 10 years. Everything you've overcame amazes me everyday. I saw every bruise, every broken bone, every tear that shed from your eyes in the four years with Aaron. You never smiled. And when you're with Finn, all you do is smile. You're yourself again. I'm so proud of you Bayley. Finn, take good care of my sister. She deserves the world."

Sasha said as she smiled. I wiped my tears as I hugged her.

"I love you so much."

I said.

"I love you more. You deserve this."

Sasha said as I smiled.

2 Hours Later

"I'm exhausted."

I said, getting in the car.

"Well don't get too tired. The Devitts are about to take over the Bahamas!"

Finn said as I rolled my eyes.

"I love you. Loser."

I said smiling.

"I love you too. Squish."

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