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"There's my beautiful wife."

Finn said, wrapping his arm around my waist as I did my makeup.

"Why do you use all this stuff? You're prettier without it."

He said, staring at the mess on the counter.

"Because society says I need it."

I said, putting mascara on.

"Yeah, well I'm your husband and I'm telling you that you don't need it."

Finn said, stuffing makeup into my bag.

"You're such a dick."

I said, rolling my eyes and throwing my mascara into the bag.

"Just go get dressed for your birthday dinner."

Finn said, kissing my cheek and walking out of the bathroom. I walked into the bedroom, quickly got dressed, and threw some heels on.

"There's my beautiful wife."

Finn said as I walked down the stairs.

"There's my handsome husband."

I said, kissing him.

"Okay, we get it, you're a beautiful couple now let's go cause I'm starving."

Sasha said, rolling her eyes.

"Bitter much?"

I asked as I laughed. Finn's parents and my parents were staying back to watch the twins so the rest of us could go out for the night.

"Thank you guys for watching them."

I said hugging Finn and I's parents.

"Anytime. You guys go out and have fun. Happy birthday Pam."

My mom said.

"Thanks. See you guys later."

I said, following everyone out the door.

Later That Night

"C'mon! Do it Bay!"

Sasha yelled over the loud music at the bar.

"No! No drunk Bayley tonight!"

I said with a laugh.

"Fine. Here."

Sasha said, handing the shot to Finn, who had no trouble downing it. It made me a bit nervous, having Finn around alcohol. Especially after our blowout months ago.

"Hey baby?"

I asked Finn.


He asked me.

"Can you lay off the drinking? It scares me a bit."

I said.

"Of course. Sorry."

"It's okay."

I said as I felt a tug on my wrist.

"Let's go dance!"

Mella yelled as I smiled. I followed her and Sasha out to the middle of the bar as we danced. I was so happy to have such great friends. Such a great life. Such happiness right now. I mean, my husband was perfect. My kids were happy and healthy. I was a women's champion. Nothing could go wrong...right?


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