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3 Weeks Later

"He did not just fucking serve me with papers."

I said, staring at the packet in front of me.

"What's he even taking you to court for?"

Sasha asked.

"Custody of Chloe and Dylan. Gosh, I still freaking love this man and he makes everything more, and more difficult everyday!"

I yelled, throwing my head into my hands.

"Bayley...did you hear what you just said?"

"I said that he makes everything more difficult everyday."

I said, raising an eyebrow at her.

"You said you still love him."

Sasha said.

"I did?"

I asked her.

"Yeah, you did."

I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see Seth standing there with his arms crossed.

"Seth. I'm sorry."

"Save it Bayley. I kept telling myself you didn't have feelings, but you still do. Don't worry, I'm leaving right now."

Seth said.

"Seth, please!"

I yelled, going after him.

"No Bayley! Go get the man you love."

He said, walking out the door. I sighed, feeling like there was an elephant on my chest. The problem was...I couldn't go get the man I loved back. Cause he loves Kylie.

Finn's POV

"Kylie, I'm sorry!"

I yelled, running down the stairs.

"No Finn! You said her name while we were literally having sex! You still have feelings for her, don't you?"

She yelled at me. I didn't respond.

"You love her, don't you?"

She yelled.

"Finn answer me!"

Kylie yelled again.

"Yes! Okay? I love Bayley! I fucking love Pamela Devitt! Gosh, get off my case!"

I yelled back at her.

"You know what, I'm out of here. You can go get her back if you love her so much!"

Kylie yelled, walking out the door. The thing was, I couldn't go get her back. Because she loves Seth.

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