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"Yes babe?"

"What if I'm pregnant?"

I asked him as he turned his body so he was facing me.

"That would be great."

He said.

"Should we get some tests?"

I asked him.

"Bay, It's 12pm."

"But I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight with all this anxiety!"

I whined.

"Can't it wait till tomorrow?"

Finn whined back.

"C'mon! Don't you wanna know if we're restarting our family?"

I asked him.


Finn said, throwing the blanket off himself.

"Love you!"

I said with a smile as he threw his shoes on.

"I love you too. I'll be back in a couple minutes."

He said, kissing my cheek. A couple minutes later, Finn returned with a couple pregnancy tests and a bottle of water.

"Thank you baby!"

I said, kissing him.

"You're welcome. Now chug this."

He said, handing me the water. I chugged it down as fast as I could and sure enough, a couple minutes later I had to go to the bathroom. I took all the tests, placed them on the counter, and walked back into the bathroom.

"Three minutes."

I said, smiling at Finn.

"Hopefully we have a little hugger or demon on the way."

Finn said as I smiled.

"What if we have twins though?"

"Bay, why are you so caught up on this multiples thing?"

Finn asked.

"I don't know. Ever since Sasha said it, it worries me. Like, could we take care of twins?"

"If we are blessed with twins or other multiples, then that's what we'll be. Blessed. We'll get through it. I promise."

Finn said, pulling me onto his lap.

"I know. Actually, it would be kinda exciting having twins. Could you imagine? Two little ones running around at the same time?"

"It would be great. But, let's just make sure you're pregnant first before we worry about twins."

Finn said. Then I heard my phone go off.

"Three minutes. I'll be right back."

I said, walking into the bathroom. When I saw the tests, I almost screamed.


I yelled, walking into the bedroom.


He asked.

"I'm pregnant!"

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