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Finn's POV

"Noah! Aria! Can I talk to you two?"

I called into the living room.


Aria said, jumping up. Gosh, I can't believe she's already 7. She's grown up too fast. Same with Noah. I can't believe he was already six. It was like just yesterday Bayley was in the hospital, crying from a pain in her side.

"What's up?"

Aria asked as her and Noah sat at the island.

"So, have you guys been having fun staying with Mom and Dad?"

I asked, sitting across from them.

"Yes! It's so much fun being with you guys and the twins."

Aria said.

"Good. And do you guys think Daddy has been doing a good job watching you while Mommy was away?"

I asked them. Aria and Noah nodded their head as I smiled.

"Good. How would you guys feel about coming to live with Mommy and Daddy?"

I asked them.

"Do you think we could?"

Aria asked, her eyes going wide.

"Only if it's okay with you guys."

Finn said.

"Yes! I love you Daddy!"

Aria said, throwing her arms around me.

"What do you say, little man?"

I asked Noah.

"Yes! I'm so excited!"

He said hugging me.

Later That Night

I closed the door to the bedroom as I heard my phone buzz.

"Hey babe."

I said as Bayley's face appeared.

"Hey. Did you talk to Aria and Noah?"

She asked.

"Yep. They're overjoyed to come live with us. We can really make this work Bay."

I said with a smile.


She said, sniffling. She made sure to only show half of her face on the camera as I looked at her.

"What's wrong Bayley?"

I asked her.

"Nothing. I got to go catch my plane. See you tomorrow."

She said really fast before hanging up. Something was up...

Bayley's POV

"Here, dude."

Sasha said, handing me a napkin full of ice as I slid my phone into my pocket. I put it over my swollen, bruised eye as I winced in pain.

"I can't believe this happened."

Sasha said, looking at me.

"I know. I can't believe Seth hit me for no reason."

I whined, putting my head back onto the airport chair. What was I gonna tell Finn?

it's always been you.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang