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I called through the house. No response.


I called, walking up the stairs. I walked past the nursery and found Chloe sitting on the ground while Dylan was in his crib. I picked Chloe up and walked around.

"Finn Devitt I swear to god where are you!"

I called. Then I heard the front door open. I walked downstairs, Chloe still in my arms, to see Finn, stumbling in the door.

"Where the hell were you?"

I asked him.

"I was...out."

He said. Then I got a whiff of his breath.

"Were you out drinking?"

I asked at him.

"Maybe. Why?"

"It's 10 in the morning! And you left our 9 month old babies at home alone! Are you insane?"

I yelled at him. Then Chloe started to cry.

"This isn't over."

I said, taking her upstairs. I put her down to bed and walked back downstairs to see Finn, sitting on the couch.

"I'm gonna kill you."

I said, crossing my arms and pacing the room.

"C'mon Bay. So I messed up? What's the big deal?"

Finn said. I looked at him in disbelief.

"Our daughter was out of her crib and could've easily started walking and fell down the stairs. What were you going to do when you came home, all fucked up and find our daughter dead cause she fell down the stairs because of you! Because you had to go get fucked up and for what? It's 10am!"

I screamed at him.

"You don't understand Bayley."

He said.

"What don't I fucking understand? Cause I understand that you're a irresponsible fucking human!"

I screamed.

"You don't understand what it's like to have an injury like this."

He said, pointing to his shoulder.

"What are you talking about? I've had plenty of injuries!"

I yelled.

"But you never had to have surgery. You never had to watch your fiancée go live your dream while you're stuck at home."

Finn yelled.

"I've been stuck at home plenty of times! But I've never, ever put our children's lives in danger."

I yelled at him.

"Whatever Bayley. I'm fucking done."

Finn said, standing up.

"No you aren't! You know what Finn-"

"What?! What Bayley? What fucking thing are you gonna criticize me for now?"

"You're fucking depressed and you're acting like a jerk and now you're drinking and masking it!"

I screamed in his face.

"I'm not fucking depressed. You know what, maybe I am. I don't know who wouldn't be with what you've fucking put me through you nasty bitch."

Finn said in my face. I had no idea what to do. So I slapped him.

"I'm fucking leaving. Fuck you dude."

I said, walking upstairs. I packed most of Dylan, Chloe, and I'd stuff up and put it in the car. I put the twins in the car and dialed Sasha's number.

"Hey Bay. What's up?"

She asked.

"Can Dylan, Chloe, and I come stay with you?"

I asked her.

"Yeah. Why?"

She asked.

"Finn just fucked up. Big time."

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