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"You two ready to watch Mommy?"

Finn asked Chloe and Dylan as we walked to the gorilla.


Chloe cooed as I smiled. I picked her up with my free arm, the other holding my title, and rested her on my hip.

"You three gonna be in the gorilla the whole time?"

I asked them.

"Yep. You just go out there and kill that promo babe. Speak from your heart."

Finn said as we walked into the gorilla.

"I already have planned out what I wanna say. But you don't get a sneak peek."

I said, smiling at Finn. I fixed my skirt since I wasn't wearing my ring gear since I was saying my thank you speech.

"Why can't I get a sneak peek?"

Finn asked, standing behind me and wrapping his free arm around me. His kissed my cheek as I laughed.

"Because you're gonna hear it in a second."

I said, putting Chloe down. Then my music hit.

"See ya Later."

I said, kissing Finn. I made my entrance and quickly went to the ring and grabbed a microphone.

"What's up San Jose?"

I asked with a smile, looking at my family in the audience.

"So...something seems a bit different. I just can't seem to put my finger on it."

I said, tapping my finger on the title.

"Oh! Here it is!"

I said, holding the title up as the crowd went wild.

"Okay, all jokes aside, I'm so honored to be your women's champion. This title isn't for me. It's for all of you guys. It's for my family in the front who is cheering me on. But most importantly...it's for my family in the back."

I said, trying to hold back my tears as the photo from the night before of Chloe, Dylan, Finn, and I appeared on the screen.

"Those three are my favorite people in the whole world. Chloe and Dylan, this is for you. I hope in ten years you look back at the moment and think about how proud of your mom you are. And Finn...oh god. I could talk about you all night. You're my rock. No matter how many times we scream, fight, tell each other we hate each other, and see other people...we always find ourselves back with each other. I've fall in and out of love with you so many times it's insane. I'm so in love with you Fergal Devitt. I hope you know that. Thank you for saving my life countless amount of times. And thank you guys, for being here for everything. I won't let you down."

I said, looking at the crowd. I smiled as they started chanting "You Deserve It!". Tears streamed down my cheeks as I walked back to the gorilla. When I got there, I was greeted by Mella, Finn, Sasha, and the twins. Mella and Sasha were holding the twins and Finn was standing there with tears in his eyes.

"That was so beautiful Bay."

Finn said, wrapping me in a hug.

"I meant every word. I love you."

"I love you too. They're right. You deserve it."

He said, kissing me.

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