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1 Week Later

"I'm telling you right now, if they start pushing on my knee I'm gonna kick them in the face."

I said, looking at Finn.

"Okay. Whatever you say, love."

He said, continuing to drive. Today I started physical therapy for my knee and all I wanted was to finish this and get cleared to get back in the ring. It was helpful to know Finn was 100% supportive and believed in me.

"You know I'm proud of you, right?"

Finn asked.

"Proud of what?"

I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Anything you've done since this happened. Walking. Waking up. Not slipping back into your depression again. And now going to physical therapy. You'll prove them wrong. You'll get back in that ring. I believe in you."

Finn said, kissing my hand.

"I love you."

I said, smiling.

"I love you too."

30 Minutes Later

I sat up on the exam table, waiting for the doctor, as I bit my lip.

"I'm calling it, you're gonna be screaming in pain."

Finn said with a laugh.

"So much for being supportive, huh?"

I asked, looking at him.

"I am supportive. I've just been through the same thing you're about to go through and it hurts like a bitch."

Finn said as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Finn said as the doctor came in. The doctor asked a few routine questions before helping me stretch my knee out. The first time the doctor moved it, I screamed in pain. Finn grabbed my hand as I started crying from all the pain striking through my knee. It was worse then any injury I've ever had.

"C'mon. You got this babe. Don't let them win."

Finn whispered in my ear as I pulled my knee back and forth. For the first time in a month, I was actually moving my leg.

"I'm proud of you."

Finn said, wiping my tears. I smiled as I moved my leg back and forth.

"Baby steps, babe."

Finn said.

Baby steps.

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