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1 Week Later

"I wanna go home Finn. I hate it here so much. All they make me talk about is Aaron and I just wanna go home! Please!"

I pleaded with Finn.

"Bayley, you have to stay. I know it's hard, but it's for your own good. You can't give up now. You didn't give up when you won women's championship. I'm not letting you give up now."

He said. I started fuming. Why couldn't he just understand I was unhappy here and would be better at home.

"I hate you! You don't understand what I'm going through!"

I screamed through the phone.

"Bayley, you are sick. You need to get better."

Finn said.

"Screw you Finn. You don't love me. If you did, you would let me go home. Screw you."

I said before I hung up. I paced around the outside area as I sighed. No one understood.

Finn's POV

I looked up at Sasha and Bayley hung up.

"I feel horrible."

I said, looking at Sasha.

"Don't. She's just upset. You have to show her tough love sometimes. She's mad now, but she'll get over it once she sees you next week. Trust me, she doesn't hate you. Her feelings are just everywhere."

Sasha said as I sighed.

"I just feel like such a horrible fiancé. I just wish I could be there for her right now."

I said.

"You are there. You're forcing her to get help. That's all you can do for her right now. If you really wanna get your mind off everything, start thinking about the wedding. It's two weeks away. Focus on that till she comes back."

Sasha said as she smiled.

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