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1 Week Later

I sighed as I stared across the table as Aaron.

"You're cute."

He said as I bit my lip. He hadn't been as terrible as usual for the past week. He was actually kinda loving, and sweet. And he was great with Chloe and Dylan.

"Thank you."

I said with a smile.

"No problem."

He said, leaning across the table and kissing me. Kissing him definitely wasn't the same as kissing Finn. The feelings were there, but they weren't as strong as with Finn.

"Have you had a good week so far?"

Aaron asked.

"Actually, Yeah."

I said with a smile.

"Good. I want you to know that I've changed. I'm sorry if I ever scared you. You just know how determined I get."

"Yeah. I know."

I said, looking down.

"Do you like the house? I bought it just for us four. And I tried decorating it to the best I think you would like it."

Aaron said.

"It's great. I love the nursery too."

I said.

"Good. You know I would do anything for you three, right?"

Aaron asked.

"Of course I do."

I said as he placed his hand under my chin.

"Good. I love you."

He said, kissing me. I didn't wanna say it, but I was starting to get feelings for him again. But I still missed Finn. I still was in love with Finn. I just...liked this too.

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